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EU: TikTok Agrees to Permanently Remove ‘TikTok Lite’ Rewards Program

On August 5, the European Commission announced that TikTok has agreed to permanently remove TikTok Lite Rewards. This decision comes as part of a binding commitment from TikTok.

TikTok agreed to permanently remove TikTok Lite from Europe, the European Commission said. File Photo by John Angelillo/UPI

The commission stated that the program, which was initially launched in France and Spain, will be removed permanently. TikTok will also not create another program to circumvent this decision. The social media platform had already paused the TikTok Lite program in April following inquiries from the commission.

This marks the first case the commission has closed under its new Digital Services Act, which aims to impose guardrails on large tech companies to ensure consumer protection across various areas. It is also the first time that the commission has accepted commitments made by a platform after opening an investigation into its practices.

TikTok was required to submit a risk assessment report to the commission. This report needed to outline the potential risks of the rewards program, including its negative effects on mental health, especially among minors, and the development of addictive behaviors. TikTok voluntarily paused the program prior to submitting the report.

Margrethe Vestager, executive vice president for Europe Fit for the Digital Age, emphasized the importance of user safety and well-being on social media platforms. “The safety and well-being of social media users need to be a number one priority,” she stated. “Design features on platforms with addictive effects put the well-being of their users at risk. That’s why we have made TikTok’s commitment under the DSA legally binding. We will carefully monitor TikTok’s compliance. Today’s decision also sends a clear message to the entire social media industry.”

TikTok Lite was a separate version of the platform’s app that launched in France and Spain in April. The awards program within TikTok Lite allowed users to earn points by performing tasks such as watching videos, liking content, following creators, and inviting friends to join TikTok. However, this version was introduced without conducting the necessary risk assessment report.

The European Commission’s stance on this matter highlights its commitment to protecting consumers and ensuring that digital platforms implement safe and responsible features. With this decision, the commission sets a precedent for how it will handle similar cases in the future, signaling a stricter approach towards tech companies operating within Europe.

Furthermore, this decision underscores the role of the Digital Services Act in regulating digital platforms to ensure they prioritize user well-being. By holding TikTok accountable, the commission aims to foster a safer digital environment, not just for adults but particularly for younger audiences who are more vulnerable to the negative impacts of social media.

The act’s implementation reflects the broader efforts of European regulators to address concerns related to the digital economy. These include data privacy, misinformation, and the monopolistic practices of giant tech conglomerates. With the Digital Services Act, the commission aims to create a balanced ecosystem where innovation can thrive while safeguarding user interests.

The commission’s action also serves as a warning to other social media platforms that may consider similar reward-based features without adequate risk assessments. It emphasizes that the well-being of users should take precedence over engagement metrics and profit motives.

By making legally binding commitments, TikTok is now obligated to adhere strictly to the terms set by the commission. This move is expected to lead to enhanced scrutiny and compliance checks, ensuring that TikTok upholds its end of the agreement and that similar issues do not arise in the future.

The European Commission’s decision reflects a proactive approach to digital governance, aiming to balance technological advancements with necessary regulatory measures. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, such measures are crucial to protect users and maintain fair practices within the industry.

Source: UPI