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Even Fox News Admits: DNC a Massive Hit

Comedy Central

Jon Stewart hosted The Daily Show live on Thursday following the final night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC). He couldn’t help but find humor in the reactions of various Fox News pundits throughout the week.

He showcased a compilation of Fox hosts’ negative descriptions of the first night, with Jesse Watters declaring, “This is probably the most boring scene I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”

“Oooh, so boring,” Stewart quipped in response. “I forgot your life is a never-ending joyride of talking to Brit Hume in between catheter ads on Fox.”

Stewart continued, “But unfortunately for Jesse Knievel over here, the next night even Fox had to acknowledge, ‘fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji.’”

He then presented another montage of Fox hosts begrudgingly admitting that the DNC events on Tuesday looked like a fun time, although they still criticized Democrats for focusing on “all the vibes” instead of “the actual issues that matter.”

“I guess you’re right,” Stewart replied sarcastically, “You can’t feed your family on vibes. You can only feed your family on immigration fear-mongering.”

Stewart shared the Fox pundits’ reactions to Wednesday night, noting their agreement that running mate Tim Walz was proving himself “a great wingman” for Kamala Harris.

“The Walz came tumbling down,” Stewart joked, although he observed Jesse Watters was still in denial about it. He showed another clip of Watters declaring that the DNC “felt like a funeral,” all while Democrats at the convention were seen dancing joyously in a split-screen shot.

“And we all know funerals always have a DJ,” Stewart replied.

Earlier in his monologue, the Daily Show host also took aim at Donald Trump’s feverish live-posting on TruthSocial throughout the convention. The former president frequently complained about everything he saw, often in all caps.

“If I was Donald Trump right now, I’d probably just be tweeting nonsensical stuff to distract from the fact that [Harris] doesn’t faintly resemble the caricature that’s been painted,” Stewart said. “By the way, that is exactly what he was doing. These are his real tweets.”

“I swear to God,” Stewart joked, “The guy running for President on the Republican ticket has morphed into a poor man’s Catturd .”

Source: The Daily Beast