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Exclusive: A Heartfelt Chat with the Capetillo-Gaytán Women

Bringing these three prominent Capetillo women together was a priority, and the opportunity finally presented itself when Ale returned to her home country of Mexico for a few days filled with family and professional engagements. The stars of this digital cover were thrilled to take part in this photoshoot. While the male members of the Capetillo family often join in such events, this session was dedicated entirely to the ladies, allowing them to recharge with conversations about love and their grand adventures. They arrived perfectly on time, looking stunning thanks to their skilled glam squad, and were joined by the family patriarch and the two youngest members of the clan.

The three women, known for their impeccable fashion sense, were ready to grace the camera. Biby, with her extraordinary beauty and style, has clearly passed these traits down to her daughters. Ana Pau has a sweet demeanor and a love for romantic looks, while Ale is known for her bold outfits and trend-setting ways.

Photo: Adolfo Pérez | Makeup: Vicente Montoya, Víctor Guadamarra | Hair: Connie, Izmael Padilla | Production: Chiara Primatesta, Lili Delgado

The Capetillo-Gaytán family’s photoshoot was filled with fun and nostalgia. These two iconic last names have been integral to Mexican pop culture, thanks to the talents of singer and telenovela star Eduardo Capetillo and dancer, singer, and actress Biby Gaytán. Their love story began three decades ago when they met in 1989. Biby, then just 17, joined Timbiriche, a highly influential youth group in Mexico during the 80s. Eduardo, who was already a member, was only two years older than Biby, a dark-haired beauty from Chiapas.

Just five years later, on June 25, 1994, hundreds attended Biby and Eduardo’s wedding, which was also broadcast to thousands of viewers through Televisa. Over the years, they have built one of the most enduring marriages in the entertainment industry. Together, they have three children: Eduardo, Ana Paula, and Alejandra. Fourteen years after Alejandra’s birth, the couple surprised everyone with the arrival of twins Manuel and Daniel, who just celebrated their 10th birthday this year. These five siblings maintain a deep bond and provide unconditional support for one another despite their busy lives.

The leading ladies of the Capetillo household are continually in the spotlight, which is why they’ve graced our digital cover during this pivotal time in their lives. With new projects on the horizon, many dreams to realize, and Ale’s wedding fast approaching, the future looks incredibly bright.
Photo: Adolfo Pérez | Makeup: Vicente Montoya, Víctor Guadamarra | Hair: Connie, Izmael Padilla | Editorial Production: Chiara Primatesta, Lili Delgado

Biby, how do you feel seeing your children enjoy the public’s love for so many years?

I always tell them that just their existence is my greatest pride. Seeing them achieve their dreams is priceless. I am very proud of them. It’s not because of their popularity—though we are grateful for it, as public affection is invaluable. Seeing them spread their wings on their own makes me feel like I did something right. I feel very fulfilled.

Together with Eduardo, you’ve built a very stable relationship in the industry. What’s your secret?

I would love to say there’s a secret, but there isn’t one. We are a family like any other, a Mexican family that works hard and supports each other. Problems will always exist, but commitment and love help us overcome them. So far, we’ve managed to get through it, and we are happy and grateful to God and life for allowing us to see our children grow.

Pau, what have you observed in your parents’ relationship that is the key to their success?

Their individual work is crucial. They take the time to be well individually, which allows them to be well as a couple. Communication is also extremely valuable. Sharing the same values and being on the same page are key. They’ve set a great example for us, and it’s what we now look for in a partner.

What advice have your parents given you, both personally and professionally?

Ale: Always stay true to my values and principles. Stepping into the real world can be jarring, especially when you’re far from family. The key is to remember who you are.

Pau: They also emphasize the importance of making a good impression and treating people well because others will always remember how you made them feel and your professionalism.

Biby, you’re entering a new phase in your career as an artist. How is it going?

I feel very fortunate. I have performed in two musicals I always dreamed of: Chicago, a professional turning point, and West Side Story, twice. It’s beyond any of my wildest dreams.

You were part of Amor sin barreras during Ana Pau’s acting debut. How was that experience?

Another dream come true. It was one of the experiences I’ve enjoyed the most. The first time I performed in it, I played the role that, 20 years later, my daughter would take on.

Ana Pau, you followed in your parents’ acting footsteps…

Yes! I’ve studied musical theater all my life but first stepped on a stage as part of Netflix’s Vicente Fernández series, El rey. After that came L-Pop and then, theater with Amor sin barreras.

Was it difficult to work with your mom and switch from calling her “Mom” to “co-star”?

Yes. When I went to the casting, I had no idea she was going to get the role of Anita. When I found out, we were both so excited. Playing María, the role she played 20 years ago, was hard to contain emotion. As a co-star, she’s amazing and a huge inspiration. She was the first to arrive at rehearsals and the last to leave.

Ale, explain your huge social media community…

It’s thanks to God for filling my social media with wonderful people. Success involves many factors: community support, discipline, creativity, authenticity, and mental health.

You moved to Spain three years ago. Do you remember that moment?

Of course! I made my decision when I felt most uncomfortable. Life pushed me toward the opportunity in Madrid, and I didn’t hesitate.

What’s been the most challenging aspect of living far from your family?

Figuring out life and its complications alone in a new place. I’ve cried out of fear many times but learned to be my support.

You’re getting married! How do you see your future as a wife? Will you continue your projects, and do you plan to have children?

Absolutely! “Baby fever” is real, but I’m also eager to live without the responsibility of a baby for a while. First, the wedding, then launching my clothing brand.

We caught this photoshoot with the mother and daughters during Ale’s brief visit to Mexico City. Upon returning to Spain, her boyfriend, Nader Shoueiry, surprised her with a proposal and engagement ring.

Ale, how did you experience the proposal?

I’m excited about this new chapter! It’s too soon for detailed plans, but it will be special, blending our cultures.

What qualities make Nader the perfect partner?

We share the same values and principles, which is the foundation of a strong relationship. He prioritizes family, is hardworking, genuine, and supportive of my dreams.

How did you two meet?

We met at a bar in Madrid through mutual friends. After several encounters, he asked me out for coffee, and we’ve been inseparable since.

Biby, how did you feel about Ale’s engagement?

I was overjoyed. It marks a new chapter for my daughter. Though she’s the youngest of my older children, she was the first to fly the nest. Nader’s proposal shows he values family principles, which is vital.

Pau, how did you react to the exciting news?

I helped Nader plan it and was so happy for them. I’ve been there from the start of their relationship, and I think he’s perfect for my sister.

How are the wedding plans? Has Ale given you any tasks?

Biby: Ale is very organized, inheriting that from her father. Her dad is helping the most with planning. Pau: We’ve discussed some details. She wants me to ride with her to the church and have a sibling dance.

Biby, have you thought about grandchildren?

Whenever they decide because I don’t want to pressure them. But yes, I’m ready. Nothing would make me happier than holding a grandchild.


Text: Alejandro Ocaña

Photos: Adolfo Pérez

Makeup: Vicente Montoya, Víctor Guadamarra

Hair: Connie, Izmael Padilla

Editorial Coordination: Chiara Primatesta, Lili Delgado

Source: ¡HOLA!