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Exonerated Death Row Inmate After 50 Years Awarded $7M Compensation

Glynn Ray Simmons, who was wrongfully convicted and spent nearly five decades in prison, is set to receive $7.15 million in compensation. This decision comes following the settlement of a lawsuit he filed against the city of Edmond, located near Oklahoma City.

Simmons, now 71, had his lawsuit resolved when the Edmond City Council voted to approve the settlement this past Monday, according to reports from the Associated Press.

In 1975, Simmons was convicted of the 1974 murder of Carolyn Rogers, a liquor store clerk, during what was alleged to be a robbery. However, he consistently maintained his innocence, claiming he was in Louisiana at the time of the crime. His legal battle argued that law enforcement had fabricated evidence and that the prosecution had failed to disclose critical information during the original trial.

Initially sentenced to death, his fate changed following a Supreme Court ruling in 1977 that altered the landscape of capital punishment, leading to his life imprisonment instead. After spending decades behind bars, Simmons was finally released in July 2023, when a judge vacated his prior sentence and mandated a new trial.

Just two months later, Oklahoma County District Attorney Vickie Behenna declared that the case would not be retried, citing the absence of physical evidence linking Simmons to the crime. Subsequently, in December, a judge formally exonerated him, affirming “clear and convincing evidence” of his innocence.

Following his exoneration, Simmons received an initial compensation of $175,000 from the state for his wrongful conviction. Remarkably, his lengthy incarceration of over 48 years is noted as the longest of any exoneree recorded by The National Registry of Exonerations.

Attorney Elizabeth Wang, addressing the severity of Simmons’s situation, remarked, “Mr. Simmons spent a tragic amount of time incarcerated for a crime he did not commit. Although he will never get that time back, this settlement with Edmond will allow him to move forward.”

As he transitions into life outside of prison, the $7.15 million settlement offers Simmons the much-needed financial support to rebuild his life after decades spent fighting for justice. His case underlines the pressing issues of wrongful convictions and the need for comprehensive reform within the judicial system.

This settlement not only serves as financial restitution for Simmons but also highlights systemic flaws that contribute to wrongful incarcerations. It raises awareness about the importance of accountability and the need for improved investigative practices to prevent such injustices from occurring in the future.

Moving forward, the settlement may also prompt discussions regarding protocols for ensuring that similar cases are handled with the utmost care and fairness. With the acknowledgment of the grave errors made in his case, there is hope that this situation will contribute to broader changes in the legal framework surrounding wrongful convictions and the treatment of exonerees.

In a world where justice is paramount, the story of Glynn Ray Simmons serves as a powerful reminder of the lives disrupted by mistakes made within the legal system and underscores the crucial need for vigilance and reform.

Source: Associated Press