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Family of Deceased Alabama Man Alleges Surgeon Removed Liver, Not Spleen

The family of 70-year-old William Bryan from Alabama has reported that he died after a serious medical error during surgery at a hospital in Florida. They claim that instead of having his spleen removed, his liver was inadvertently taken out during the procedure.

Bryan was admitted to Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Hospital in Walton County, Florida, on August 18 for a splenectomy. This was confirmed by an operative report that attorney Joe Zarzaur obtained. Surgeon Thomas Shaknovsky performed the operation after discussing the “risks, benefits, and alternatives” with Bryan and his wife, Beverly.

However, following the operation, it was found that the organ removed was liver tissue, not the intended spleen, as detailed in a subsequent surgical pathology report. Zarzaur stated during a recent news conference that this case represents one of the most severe instances of medical malpractice he has encountered.

A spokesperson for Ascension stated that they are treating these allegations very seriously and are conducting a thorough investigation. They emphasized that patient safety is their top priority and acknowledged the unfortunate circumstances surrounding this case, expressing their condolences to the family while stressing patient privacy.

Before undergoing surgery, Bryan experienced “severe abdominal pain” while vacationing with Beverly at their condo in Destin, Florida. Upon diagnosis of hemoperitoneum and a splenic injury, Shaknovsky urged immediate surgical intervention, explaining to Beverly that Bryan could bleed to death if he were to be transported back to Alabama.

During the splenectomy on August 21, Bryan ultimately succumbed to massive blood loss after the “large” spleen was removed. The operative report indicated that the situation had been extensively discussed with Bryan’s family, and they were kept updated about the unfolding events during surgery.

However, a review after the surgery revealed that the organ labeled as “spleen” was actually liver tissue. The medical examiner conducted an autopsy and confirmed that Bryan’s liver was absent while his spleen remained intact, discovered with a cyst affixed to it. Zarzaur noted that the cyst was not life-threatening and could have been treated effectively.

Beverly Bryan spoke at the news conference, describing her husband as a “good man” and expressing her gratitude for the years they shared together. She reminisced about their three children and eight grandchildren, who are also mourning the loss.

She expressed both heartache and anger regarding the circumstances of her husband’s death, attributing it to negligence on the part of the hospital staff. Beverly stated that her husband was vulnerable on the operating table and that the error was unforgivable. She characterized his passing as “unnecessary and brutal,” declaring that their family and community are devastated by this loss.

As the family considers legal action, they remain concerned about Shaknovsky’s ability to continue treating patients. Though Zarzaur has indicated that a formal medical malpractice lawsuit has yet to be filed due to a mandatory six to nine-month pre-suit period in Florida law, he emphasized the need for immediate attention to ensure that Shaknovsky does not practice medicine any longer.

The medical board’s process for revoking a medical license can be prolonged, and Zarzaur has communicated with individuals who claim to have seen Shaknovsky still operating recently. Additionally, a criminal investigation into Bryan’s death is in progress, led by the Walton County Sheriff’s Office, in coordination with the medical examiner’s office and the state attorney’s office. They have reiterated the complexity of such cases and requested public patience as they work through the investigation.

This incident is not the first concerning Shaknovsky. Earlier in 2023, he reportedly misidentified tissues during a surgical procedure intended to remove an adrenal gland but instead removed part of a patient’s pancreas. That case was settled confidentially, underscoring a troubling pattern of medical errors.

The call for justice and accountability continues, as Bryan’s family navigates this tragic aftermath.