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Fans Noticed One Issue With Penny & Bernadette In Big Bang Theory Finale

As fans of “The Big Bang Theory” know, Penny’s acceptance of her pregnancy in the series finale was an extremely shocking move. Several Redditors on various threads have discussed this, noting that Penny’s change of heart was quite surprising. However, Bernadette faced a similar situation long before her on-screen best friend. Initially, Bernadette tells Howard that she doesn’t even like children, explaining that her mother once ran a questionable daycare from their home and made Bernadette do a lot of the work. There’s also a slight variation in this story at another point, where Bernadette mentions she was the main caretaker for her younger siblings. Regardless of these backstories, when Bernadette gets pregnant, not just once but twice, everything seems to work out just fine.

Penny’s journey, however, is more complex. She was adamant about not wanting children, despite Leonard’s longing to start a family. Yet, by the end of the series, she changes her mind quite easily. A user on Reddit, u/AngryDuck222, presents an intriguing idea that Penny did want children but changed her mind a few times, which, as they point out, is entirely her right. They highlight an instance from the later seasons where Bernadette puts Penny on edge by telling her, she’ll be a great mother. To Penny, this feels like pressure.

The Redditor writes, “Point is, Penny changed her mind about kids twice. So it shouldn’t be perceived as the writers just made her pregnant for ‘reasons’ and seen as she wanted kids all along. She wanted to do other things before reaching that point. Much like how she saw Leonard the whole time they were dating as a good choice for a long-term relationship, but in their early days, she just wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment.”

This perspective suggests that Penny’s decision was less about a sudden change of heart and more about timing and personal growth. Throughout “The Big Bang Theory,” we watch Penny evolve from a struggling actress and waitress into a successful pharmaceutical sales representative. This career progression reflects her journey in personal relationships and life choices. While initially hesitant about marriage and children, Penny’s character shows that people can grow and change over time, often reconsidering their previous stances as they experience life.

Bernadette’s storyline serves as a parallel narrative. Her initial reluctance toward children is rooted in her complicated past, dealing with a burdensome responsibility at a young age. Still, she adapts and ultimately embraces motherhood. This juxtaposition provides a nuanced look at how different characters deal with significant life changes and how their past experiences shape their decisions.

The show’s writers seem to explore the theme that life is unpredictable, and what individuals envision for their futures can evolve. Both Penny and Bernadette represent the idea that one’s past doesn’t necessarily dictate their future decisions. Over the course of the twelve seasons, their character arcs emphasize the fluid nature of life choices, encouraging viewers to appreciate the complexity and unpredictability of personal growth.

In the end, the decisions made by Penny and Bernadette underscore a central message of “The Big Bang Theory” – people change. Whether due to personal growth, new experiences, or shifting priorities, these character developments reflect a more realistic portrayal of how people handle the challenges and surprises life throws their way. As the show concluded, it left fans contemplating the intricate and unpredictable nature of human relationships and personal choices.

Source: various Reddit threads