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Fans Spot Taylor Swift Incognito in Crowd Before New Eras Tour Performance

Fans believe they might have caught Taylor Swift enjoying her opening act from a discreet spot during her Eras Tour in Warsaw, Poland, earlier this month.

A fan named Sophie Maria shared a blurry photo on TikTok, showing a blonde figure in a white tee and dark jeans sitting alone in a restricted part of the stadium, away from other fans. The figure appeared to be sitting with legs crossed, possibly scrolling on the phone, and some even speculated that the person was eating an apple.

With Paramore performing on stage at the time, many fans speculated that the solitary figure was none other than Taylor Swift herself, taking a moment to enjoy her friends’ performance before changing into her Lover-era bodysuit for her own set.

“Did we see Taylor chilling eating an apple before Warsaw N1? 🤔👀😳,” Sophie Maria captioned the photo. She included two more slides that progressively zoomed in on the individual to try and verify whether it was indeed Swift or someone who resembled her.

One user questioned the situation, saying, “wait what is this actually her?” They assumed that the singer would already be backstage preparing for her own performance. Another user added, “Wait why is this actually her omg,” while someone else confidently stated, “IT [sic] HER FOR SURE.”

Some were skeptical about the lack of visible security around the figure, noting that it would be odd for Swift to sit alone considering her proximity to the fans. However, another attendee claimed security personnel had brought her out and told her to sit there, waiting out of frame near the stairs.

“omg you look like taylor swift in this light 😭😭,” one person joked, referencing lyrics that highlight her resemblance. Others lamented not having better zoom capabilities on their phones to verify the person’s identity.

While it’s likely that we may never know for sure if it was Taylor Swift blending into her own audience, the speculation certainly adds a fun new layer to the ever-growing list of Swiftie conspiracies.

Source: Particle News