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Fans Worried About ’90 Day Fiance’ Star Angela Deem’s Bloody Hand

90 Day Fiance star Angela Deem is causing concern following the latest episode of Happily Ever After? Tell-All. Things between her and Michael Ilesanmi have been tumultuous. Angela continues to accuse Michael of being a scammer and a cheater. There are episodes where Angela’s temper has flared, leading her to lash out at Michael. However, several Reddit users became alarmed after noticing Angela’s bloody hands in one episode, suggesting there’s more happening off-camera. Keep reading to find out more.

Angela and Michael’s marriage seems far from being repaired, whether on or off the show. At one point, Angela hired a private investigator to look into Michael. Although the investigator found him innocent, Angela remained convinced of her husband’s infidelity. The couple is also reportedly embroiled in a legal battle behind the scenes.

Angela wants to file for an annulment and accuses Michael of committing marriage fraud. Michael has countered by demanding spousal support, meaning their assets would be divided. This move has sparked backlash against Michael, causing some to believe he’s after Angela’s money and a green card, contradicting his on-screen claims.

Reddit users reacted strongly to Part 2 of the HEA Tell-All episode. Angela appeared emotional over her struggles with Michael. The spotlight, however, was on her bloody hand. A user speculated that Angela might have punched a wall and scratched her knuckles, believing TLC edited out the incident to avoid backlash. Some attributed her injuries to her smoking habit and age, noting that her skin might have become thinner and more prone to injuries.

  • “Looks like it’s from punching a wall. Her skin is also in bad condition from her lifestyle, so that may be why she cuts easily. Why does she choose to live her life in constant anger and chaos? It must be exhausting.”
  • “Your skin gets really thin as you get older. You see it a lot in nursing homes and with elderly patients. Plus she’s bats**t crazy and is probably on m*th.”
  • “She was disgusting all the way around before she lost weight, but the weight loss didn’t do her any favors. It made her look worse.”
  • “Scratches too. When was the last time anyone on here had hands like this?”
  • “Weird pattern and areas for punching a wall. Shooting M*th?”

TLC has yet to confirm if Angela and Michael will return for another season amid the controversies. Many fans feel Angela should be removed from the franchise due to her behavior. Nevertheless, she has driven significant ratings and viewership, making it difficult for TLC to part ways with her. It’s also essential to remember that not all portrayed on reality TV reflects real life. Discussions are ongoing, with some fans divided after Michael’s sudden demand for spousal support, which could support Angela’s claims against him.

Angela has said she’ll continue working with the network, which she claims treats her well. Meanwhile, some suggest Michael should be featured in the upcoming season of 90 Day: The Single Life to find a new partner.

For more 90 Day Fiance news, stay connected.

Source: Reddit, TLC