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Fans worry if Alicia Silverstone is okay after accidentally ingesting poison

Alicia Silverstone caused concern among viewers after posting a video online of herself biting into a poisonous plant that she had mistaken for fruit.

The Clueless actor posted the clip on Tuesday, sharing how she spotted the strange-looking fruit on a bush while wandering around London.

She picked a piece of the plant and took a bite, then asked viewers if they could help her identify it.

OK, I’ve discovered something that I can’t figure out what it is and I need your help,” Silverstone said.

“I just bit into it because it was on the street and we were discussing whether it’s a tomato or not. But it’s definitely not because look at these leaves,” she added, panning the camera to the bush.

“If I bite it … I don’t think you’re supposed to eat this? It’s almost like a pepper. Can someone tell me what it is? Thank you!”

In the caption, Silverstone wrote: “What the heck is this? I’m in England and I can’t figure it out.”


What the heck is this!? I’m in England and can’t figure it out. 🤔

Viewers quickly identified the plant as a Jerusalem Cherry (also known as Christmas cherry or winter cherry), a nightshade species with mildly poisonous fruit.

“In summer, it produces small clusters of white, star-shaped flowers, followed by long-lasting, spherical, red, yellow, or orange fruit 1.5 to 2cm across,” according to The Royal Horticultural Society.

In terms of the danger, the RHS says it is “Harmful if eaten,” by humans and pets, and people should “Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling.”

Worried fans took to the comments section of Silverstone’s video to warn her about the plant.

One person said: “OMG NO!! Jerusalem Cherry very poisonous in the Nightshade family. Hope you are ok.”

“She’s clearly clueless…” another person wrote.

Someone else added: “Your iPhone will tell you the plant if you take a picture and swipe up.”

“Ma’am please post again, we can’t be left clueless and need to know you’re ok.”

At the time of writing, Silverstone has not posted a follow-up video.

Source: Independent