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FBI Investigates Insect Attack During Chicago Democratic Breakfast

CHICAGO – Authorities in Chicago, including the police and the FBI, are currently investigating an unsettling incident that occurred during the Democratic National Convention. Allegations have emerged that saboteurs infiltrated a hotel breakfast buffet, placing unwanted insects among the food being served to delegates.

The convention’s information center issued a statement revealing that “multiple unknown female offenders” entered the Fairmont Hotel, where several delegates were staying. They reportedly placed unknown objects on tables laden with food before leaving the area. One individual required medical attention and was treated on-site.

Witnesses have provided varying accounts of the insects involved, with descriptions ranging from crickets to maggots. One Indiana delegate, Karen Tallian, shared her experience of the bizarre occurrence. Tallian stated that two women had concealed themselves in the hotel’s bathroom before emerging and throwing maggots into the breakfast buffet. Friends of Tallian, who arrived earlier, were present to witness the shocking event unfold.

The disruption at the Fairmont Hotel is not isolated; it is part of a series of attempts to disrupt the ongoing convention. Over the past few days, at least three hotels hosting delegates have received bomb threats, which have drawn significant attention. Derek Mayer, a deputy agent in charge of the Secret Service, confirmed that his team has investigated every threat received, emphasizing the continuous nature of these incidents.

While no group has taken credit for the insect incident at the breakfast buffet, it echoes a similar event from the previous month. During a visit by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C., reports indicated that insects, including maggots, had been released as a form of protest.

The Chicago convention is witnessing nightly protests from various organizations. Their message calls for an end to military support for Israel and a cessation of hostilities in Gaza. In light of the breakfast incident, Sam Barloga, a spokesperson for the Indiana Democratic Party, expressed disapproval, stating, “All Americans have the right to peaceful protest, but ugly attacks like this have no place in our democracy.” He extended gratitude to the security teams for their prompt response to the situation.

The troublesome incident occurred around 6:45 AM. Following the disruption, officials from the Fairmont Chicago confirmed that a group of individuals had caused chaos during a DNC-related breakfast event. They expressed appreciation for the swift actions taken by law enforcement and highlighted the efforts made by hotel staff to sanitize the area and ensure the event could continue without further mishaps. The hotel emphasized its commitment to maintaining high standards of food safety and has protocols in place to address any incidents of this nature.

By the time Indiana State Representative Carolyn Jackson arrived for breakfast at approximately 7:45 AM, she found the situation had improved, with fresh food available for the guests.

This incident serves to underscore the heightened tensions accompanying the Democratic National Convention, as delegates gather amidst ongoing protests and security concerns. With the continuing investigation, many are left wondering about the motives behind such disruptive acts. Authorities are diligently working to unravel the details surrounding this unusual and alarming event.

The investigation is ongoing, and officials continue to look into the broader implications of this incident for both the convention and the safety of its attendees.

Source: USA Today