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FBI: Iran Hacked Trump’s Campaign Info Sent to Biden’s Campaign

In a significant development, federal agencies, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, revealed that Iranian hackers targeted individuals associated with President Joe Biden’s campaign by sending them unsolicited information taken from former President Donald Trump’s campaign. This revelation raises concerns about foreign interference in the upcoming election.

The disclosure marks the latest in a series of alerts from cybersecurity officials about Iran’s attempts to meddle in the electoral process. Reports indicate that hackers were involved in a hack-and-leak operation specifically aimed at Trump’s campaign. This effort appears to be motivated in part by the former president’s decisions during his tenure, particularly the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

According to a joint statement from the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the agencies have gathered more information about Iran’s strategies to create discord and influence the electoral outcome in the United States. They stated, “Iranian malicious cyber actors in late June and early July sent unsolicited emails to individuals then associated with President Biden’s campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, non-public material from former President Trump’s campaign as text in the emails.”

While there is no evidence suggesting that the recipients responded to the emails, the malicious actors have continued their attempts to distribute the stolen information to media outlets across the U.S. This concerning situation has prompted the Justice Department to prepare charges related to the data breach.

The threats do not come solely from Iran. Federal intelligence agencies have indicated that both Russia and to a lesser extent, China, are similarly focusing on the 2024 presidential campaign in an effort to undermine the public’s trust in American elections.

Notably, Biden exited the race in July, allowing Vice President Kamala Harris to advance as the Democratic nominee. In current polls, Harris is running closely alongside Trump.

Representing the Harris-Walz campaign, spokesperson Morgan Finkelstein acknowledged the campaign’s cooperation with law enforcement since learning of the cyber threats. “We’re not aware of any material being sent directly to the campaign; a few individuals were targeted on their personal emails with what looked like a spam or phishing attempt,” Finkelstein said. “We condemn in the strongest terms any effort by foreign actors to interfere in U.S. elections, including this unwelcome and unacceptable malicious activity.”

In response to the situation, Karoline Leavitt, national press secretary for the Trump campaign, stated that the federal announcement serves as “further proof” of Iranian interference aimed at benefitting the Biden-Harris campaign. “They know President Trump will restore his tough sanctions and stand against their reign of terror,” Leavitt remarked, urging Harris and Biden to clarify whether they had utilized the hacked materials and when they were made aware of the situation.

As this story unfolds, the implications for the electoral process and the integrity of U.S. elections remain at the forefront of national discussion. With the risk of foreign influence looming large, both major parties are poised to address these challenges as they head towards the crucial election period.

Source: USA Today