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FBI Provides Reality Check to ‘No Distractions’ Eric Adams

New York City Mayor Eric Adams faces growing scrutiny as federal investigations target key figures in his administration. | Jeff Coltin/POLITICO

NEW YORK — Mayor Eric Adams of New York City has declared his intention to govern without distractions. However, recent federal investigations are challenging that claim, as agents executed raids on his political allies, searching electronic devices and issuing subpoenas within the upper echelons of his administration.

With his 2025 reelection campaign on the horizon, Adams has endeavored to present himself as the efficient manager needed for the city. Yet, the presence of FBI agents visiting top administration officials has considerably undermined this image, making it difficult for the mayor to promote his mantra of “stay focused, no distractions and grind” convincingly.

This most recent round of raids and interviews marks the third wave targeting senior aides under Adams. On this occasion, notable officials including the police commissioner, two deputy mayors, a key advisor, and the schools chancellor were approached by federal investigators early Wednesday morning. This scrutiny casts a shadow over a substantial part of city governance.

The fact that prominent leaders are under investigation, although none has officially been accused of wrongdoing, raises questions among the mayor’s critics and even some allies regarding the administration’s grip on day-to-day operations.

The editorial board of the typically supportive New York Post suggested that Adams may need to part ways with aides who pose a threat to his leadership. This sentiment underscores the political risk facing the mayor as his administration navigates turbulent waters.

Adams has committed to restoring public safety as a central goal since the city began recovering from pandemic-related fears. However, the recent raids have undermined his position, particularly as they strike at the heart of the city’s crime-fighting leadership.

Federal agents targeted the home of Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III at dawn, where they confiscated his electronic devices. Banks has a complicated history with federal authorities, as he was previously named an unindicted co-conspirator in a wide-ranging corruption investigation that involved the de Blasio administration.

Add to this, investigators also seized devices from NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and his twin brother, James. It was reported that the Internal Revenue Service has joined the investigation, focused partly on any potential benefits that James Caban may have gained from his brother’s position within the NYPD.

FBI agents have additionally seized phones from other police officials, including Caban’s chief of staff, Raul Pintos. Investigators also requested access to the phone of Deputy Inspector Robert Gault, indicating that they are casting a broad net throughout the police department.

The NYPD has not commented on Gault without deferring inquiries to the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, which has remained silent on the matter.

Despite the ongoing investigation, the Adams administration insists it continues to fulfill its responsibilities to the city. The Deputy Mayor for Communications stated that the mayor has been clear about adhering to the law while focusing on delivering results for New Yorkers, such as lower crime rates and job creation.

The investigations also highlight an ongoing pattern of loyalists and familial ties within the ranks of Adams’ administration. Investigators visited First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright and Schools Chancellor David Banks, seizing their electronic devices as well. Banks is the brother of Philip Banks III, creating further connections within the investigations.

In a public statement, David Banks expressed his focus on ensuring a safe and academically enriching year for students, while confirming his cooperation with the federal inquiry. However, he has privately tried to distance himself from the core investigation, stating that his devices were seized merely due to their proximity to those of Wright.

Additionally, Terence Banks, a former MTA employee and brother to both Philip and David Banks, had his phone confiscated as well. Though not a target of the investigation, he has previously engaged with city officials and conducted business with companies under city scrutiny.

Wednesday’s actions are yet another chapter in a string of federal inquiries into the Adams administration. Just last year, there were raids concerning allegations of collusion between Adams’ 2021 campaign and the Turkish government.

Despite the mounting investigations drawing negative attention, the mayor has maintained that these issues are unrelated to the management of the city’s larger bureaucracy, comprising over 300,000 employees. In a recent television interview, he expressed confidence in his deputies involved in the probe, emphasizing their commitment to serving New Yorkers.

As the investigations unfold, Adams faces a pivotal moment that could shape his administration’s trajectory as he leads up to his reelection campaign.
