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FBI Raids Homes of Key Aides to New York City Mayor Eric Adams

Federal officers have raided the Manhattan home of New York City first deputy mayor Sheena Wright as part of a long-running probe in Mayor Eric Adams’ campaign. Caroline Willis/Mayoral Photo Office via

Federal officials have escalated their investigation into New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ administration, conducting raids on the homes of several high-ranking officials. Among those targeted was Sheena Wright, the city’s first deputy mayor, whose residence she shares with Schools Chancellor David Banks.

The raids extended to the home of Philip Banks, the deputy mayor for public safety, and also included NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban. Tim Pearson, a senior advisor close to Adams, was served a subpoena for his cellphones, according to various news reports.

This investigation highlights the depth of scrutiny facing Adams’ administration. Notably, David Banks and Philip Banks are brothers, complicating matters further as another brother connected to a government relations firm is also under investigation.

Reports indicate that at least seven other NYPD members have also been subpoenaed for their cellphones. These developments come amidst various inquiries into Adams’ campaign, including longstanding federal probes into his ties with Turkey and a separate investigation related to his aide, Winnie Greco.

Adams’ Chief Counsel, Lisa Zornberg, has sought to distance the mayor and his staff from any legal implications, stating that investigators have not identified them as targets.

“As a former member of law enforcement, the mayor has repeatedly made clear that all members of the team need to follow the law,” Zornberg remarked in a statement.

Amid the surrounding chaos, Adams maintained his focus on his responsibilities as mayor. When questioned by reporters, he expressed his commitment to following the law, reiterating his administration’s values.

“The goal is to follow the law. And that is what this administration always stood for, and what we’re going to continue to stand for,” he stated while leaving City Hall.

Officials from the NYPD confirmed that the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York is conducting an investigation into multiple officers, and emphasized that the department is cooperating fully. However, queries directed to the U.S. Attorney’s Office yielded no comments.

According to a person who spoke to Wright, the deputy mayor is confident in her innocence. Meanwhile, other sources indicate that the recent searches are unlikely connected to the federal scrutiny concerning potential foreign influence from Turkey.

This investigation into Turkish involvement pertains to whether Adams’ 2021 campaign colluded with foreign entities, including the Turkish government. In contrast, the investigation into Greco began earlier, with her homes subjected to search warrants in February.

Wright and the Banks brothers represent the highest-ranking officials involved in the recent federal actions. David Banks, speaking to reporters outside a Queens school event, declined to comment on the raid altogether.

Neighbors of Wright and Banks reported not noticing any unusual activity during the early morning hours of the raid, reflecting the relatively discreet nature of the operation.

As the investigation continues, the political implications for Adams are growing clearer. He faces reelection in 2025, and political adversaries are quick to capitalize on this moment of vulnerability.

Former city comptroller Scott Stringer remarked on the situation, highlighting the chaos surrounding Adams’ administration, while current comptroller Brad Lander called for leadership that embodies trust and integrity.

Assemblymember Zohran Mamdani echoed these sentiments, advocating for better governance. The Working Families Party have also voiced their concerns, decrying the chaos they associate with Adams’ leadership.

Reports indicated that City Hall and the mayor’s election committee were also subpoenaed in July, further complicating the challenges ahead for Adams’ administration.

Last November, federal agents gathered evidence from the homes of the mayor’s chief campaign fundraiser and another advisor, signaling a continued interest in examining the inner workings of Adams’ campaign.

The evolving situation suggests that scrutiny surrounding Adams may not dissipate soon, with implications for his future as New York’s mayor.

Source: Politico, New York Post, Daily News, ABC 7, The New York Times