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Film chronicles ex-rugby player’s journey from spinal injury to mountain tops

In a story of remarkable perseverance, former professional rugby player Ed Jackson has defied medical odds to walk again after a devastating spinal cord injury. In 2017, Jackson’s life changed dramatically when he mistakenly dove into the shallow end of a swimming pool, breaking his neck. The incident left him paralysed from the shoulders down, with doctors giving a grim prognosis that he would never walk again.

Jackson’s journey to recovery is poignantly captured in “The Mountain Within Me,” a documentary film that chronicles his inspirational challenge against his diagnosis. The film documents his incremental progress, starting from the moment his toes first moved, to the painstaking rehabilitation efforts that led to him walking again just six months later.

In an inspiring act to mark the first anniversary of his accident, Jackson climbed Snowdon, the highest peak in Wales. As his physical strength and determination grew, so did his ambitions. “Being told you’re not going to walk again and then climbing a mountain is quite symbolic, so I wanted to do that to try and send some hope,” Jackson said. “And then I got hooked on it. So, let’s see how high we can go. It’s led me to some pretty ridiculous places which you’ll see in the film.”

Directed by Polly Steele, the documentary highlights Jackson’s 2022 trip to Nepal, where he attempted to summit the 7,000-metre Himlung Himal. The film also features another vertigo-inducing climb in the French Alps. Jackson’s recovery journey is pieced together through archive footage, mobile phone videos, social media posts, and interviews with his family.

Rewatching these moments and hearing the testimonies of his loved ones was emotionally taxing for Jackson. “I think connecting with it in such an intense way during the film and really going in deep did bring some emotions to the surface,” he shared.

Jackson emphasized the importance of being open about struggles, especially for those who have experienced trauma. “The first thing people do when they’ve been through trauma is isolate themselves. So, just be open and honest about your struggles, don’t suffer in silence,” he advised.

Alongside his wife Lois, Jackson founded the Millimetres 2 Mountains charity to support others dealing with trauma. “I wanted to be as raw and honest as possible because that’s really the only way to help people,” Jackson explained.

He also had a message for everyone: “You’re lucky to be alive in the first place, so get out there, say ‘yes’ to stuff and go on adventures.”

“The Mountain Within Me” will be in UK cinemas from Aug. 23.

Source: Reuters