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Fox News Hosts Criticize Jesse Watters for Comments About Harris and Generals

On a recent episode of Fox News’ The Five, host Jesse Watters faced backlash from his co-hosts after making a controversial remark about Kamala Harris. The discussion centered around the Vice President’s foreign policy stance and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in August 2021, a topic that marked its third anniversary during the broadcast.

While questioning Harris’s ability to lead in foreign affairs, Watters suggested that if she were to become president, she would struggle in the situation room. He stated, “We don’t know who she is, we don’t know what she believes. She’s going to get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her.” His choice of words was met with immediate critique.

Co-host Jeanine Pirro quickly responded to Watters’ comment, expressing her disapproval. “I don’t like that. Take it back,” she said, highlighting the inappropriateness of his remark. Dana Perino also chimed in, emphasizing her discontent by using Watters’ full name, indicating the severity of the situation.

In an effort to clarify his statement, Watters attempted to amend his words by stating, “Figuratively…Have their way with her, control her…not in a sexual way.” However, this clarification did little to alleviate the outrage against him.

Viewers were harshly critical of Watters’ remarks, accusing him of misogyny and sexism. Comments on social media reflected this sentiment, with one user stating, “Jesse Watters thinks misogyny is funny.” Others noted that his comments might reflect how such men speak about women, even their own family members, off-camera. Another individual lamented that, not long ago, comments like these might have led to someone being taken off the air or fired, labeling Watters as a “real jerk.”

Kerstin Emhoff, the ex-wife of Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, also took to social media to denounce Watters’ remarks. She wrote, “There are many things to worry about, but Kamala being manhandled in the situation room is not one of them.”

As the show progressed, Watters addressed the backlash once again during a discussion about the Kennedy family’s response to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorsing Donald Trump. He humorously remarked that his mother might go on MSNBC to comment on his earlier statement regarding Kamala Harris, showing little remorse for the controversy he had stirred.

This is not the first time Jesse Watters has faced reprimands from his co-hosts for making sexist comments. In a previous incident, he mocked a fundraiser for Harris, suggesting that men who support female candidates solely because of their gender “are childish” or have “mommy issues.” This prompted a shocked reaction from Perino, who interjected with disbelief at his assertions.

Watters had also sparked controversy during a discussion about electric cars when he claimed that women in relationships typically do not control decisions regarding car purchases. His pattern of making dismissive and controversial comments about women has undoubtedly put him at odds with his co-hosts multiple times.

The incident with Kamala Harris has reignited conversations about sexism and misogyny in political discourse. It raises important questions about how female leaders are perceived and treated in media discussions. As public scrutiny grows, broadcasters may need to reconsider the implications of such remarks made by their hosts.

The backlash against Watters reflects a broader societal issue concerning the treatment of women, particularly in positions of power. With many now holding public figures accountable for their statements, the call for respect and equality continues to escalate.

Source: various