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Fox News Hosts Praise Michelle Obama’s ‘Speech of the Night’; Eric Trump Calls It ‘Unwatchable’

Michelle Obama took the spotlight during the second night of the Democratic National Convention, stirring a range of reactions. While some Fox News hosts praised her impactful speech, Donald Trump’s son, Eric Trump, deemed it “unwatchable.”

The former first lady spoke passionately in Chicago on Tuesday evening, condemning Trump for being both a misogynist and a racist, while celebrating Kamala Harris as a symbol of optimism: “Hope is making a comeback.” Her stirring address even led her husband, former President Barack Obama, to humorously remark, “I am the only person stupid enough to speak after Michelle Obama.”

Even hosts from Fox News acknowledged Michelle’s ability to captivate an audience.

Bret Baier, a prominent host on the network, expressed, “Barack Obama, essentially showing this crowd why he is still such a star inside the Democratic Party, but perhaps overshadowed by his wife, the former First Lady Michelle Obama, who had an amazing speech that got this crowd on their feet.”

Michelle Obama speaks during the second day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. She earned the praise of Fox News hosts while Eric Trump called her speech ‘unwatchable’. (Getty Images)

Analyst Brit Hume also praised her performance, stating, “I think the speech of the night was Michelle Obama. She is an extraordinarily impressive woman. You can see why members of the Democratic Party are always hoping she’ll step in and run for president.”

Despite raising questions about why a figure of her caliber might feel hopeless, he could not help but commend her delivery, calling it “just terrific.”

Harold Ford Jr., a contributor and former Congressman, voiced his agreement, asserting that Michelle’s address was the standout moment of the night, labeling it “the best.”

In stark contrast, Eric Trump shared his critical opinion on social media, stating: “This is unwatchable…”

Meanwhile, Donald Trump had not commented on the speeches of the Obamas by Wednesday morning. In the lead-up to their addresses, he expressed his respect for the couple, saying, “I like him. He’s a nice guy.” Although he criticized some of Obama’s trade policies, he added, “But I happen to like him. I respect him and I respect his wife.”

During her impactful speech, Michelle Obama criticized Trump’s views on healthcare, reproductive rights, and his tendency to spread misinformation. She also addressed his divisive language, stating, “For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us.”

She elaborated further, commenting on Trump’s narrow worldview that made him feel threatened by the success of two educated and accomplished Black individuals: “His limited and narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who also happened to be Black.”

Michelle concluded with a pointed remark, asking, “Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs’?”

Source: various news outlets