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From Prima Ballerina to Erotic Novelist: Melanie Hamrick’s Journey

As Mick Jagger’s partner for over a decade, former prima ballerina Melanie Hamrick choreographed the rock ballet “Port Rouge,” inspired by the iconic music of the Rolling Stones.

Despite their long relationship, Hamrick, who retired from the American Ballet Theatre in 2019 after a 15-year career, doesn’t offer Jagger any pointers on his dance moves. “Nah — he’s an expert, he’s got it down,” Hamrick, 37, shared. “I would be honored [to help] if I was asked, but he knows what he’s doing.”

Hamrick is occupied with her own ventures, leaping from ballet to becoming an erotic novelist. After the success of her debut novel “First Position” in 2023, she’s returning with its sequel, “The Unraveling,” released this week. The sequel continues the tantalizing tale of Sylvie Carter, who moves from the North American Ballet to the vibrant ballet scene in London.

“You know, young dancers … they are coming into their sexual maturity in their early 20s,” said Hamrick, who has a book launch event scheduled at the Corner Bookstore on the Upper East Side on Aug. 20. She explains that the world-traveling dancers live in an environment filled with both passion and sexual tension. “Like, you maybe didn’t have a high school boyfriend, so your first boyfriend’s in your early ’20s, and he’s a ballet dancer who was your first partner. It’s very much that kind of coming of age.”

Hamrick acknowledges that her novels might remind readers of “Fifty Shades of Grey” with a ballet twist. “I was definitely inspired by ‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’” she admitted, noting the void of ballet in such literature.

Drawing from her experience in ballet, Hamrick approached the steamy scenes as if she were choreographing a ballet. “It’s like choreographing a ballet … You’re choreographing a scene, you’re choreographing intimacy. I went about it as choreographing movement, choreographing bodies.”

Hamrick leverages the inherent drama, competitiveness, and intensity of the ballet world in her writing. “I think it’s the competitiveness,” she said. “People are against each other when the world is so small and there’s so very few jobs … Like, ABT maybe hires three to five dancers a year.”

With aspirations beyond writing, Hamrick would “absolutely” love to see her books adapted into films akin to the 2010 movie “Black Swan,” which earned Natalie Portman an Oscar for her role as American Ballet Theatre dancer Nina Reeves. “She has the stage mom, she has some issues with food, she has the relationship with the boss, she has the competitiveness with the other dancer … Those are all things that happen.”

For Hamrick, writing has been a “therapeutic” outlet following her ballet retirement, much like choreographing “Port Rouge” was with Jagger’s input. “I told him the songs I wanted. He said, ‘OK,’” she recalled. “And he helped me find the places to cut and move them together.”

As for her favorite Rolling Stones track? “‘She’s a Rainbow’ because that was my favorite piece in the ‘Port Rouge’ choreography,” Hamrick said of the 1967 song from “Their Satanic Majesties Request.” She also enjoys “Whole Wide World” from the Stones’ latest album “Hackney Diamonds.”

Though she’s not vying for top ballet roles anymore, Hamrick’s competitive spirit remains alive, especially when it comes to challenges with Jagger, who at 81 is 44 years her senior. “He’s in great shape,” she said. “But then, you know, the competitiveness in me [kicks in], like, ‘How long did you stay on the bike for? I’m gonna stay longer!’”

Despite her own illustrious career, Hamrick acknowledges that their 7-year-old son Deveraux takes after his famous father when it comes to moves. “More like Mick,” said Hamrick. “He was taking a couple of ballet classes. He’s got a lot of talent, and I can’t wait to see what he does.” Deveraux’s ambitions are diverse, ranging from a future in scuba diving to space exploration and dancing.

Source: New York Post