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George Clooney Declares Biden Most ‘Selfless’ President Since Washington

George Clooney has praised Joe Biden for his decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race, calling it “the most selfless thing that anybody has done since George Washington.” Clooney made these remarks during an appearance at the 2024 Venice Film Festival on September 1, where he was promoting his new film Wolfs alongside co-star Brad Pitt.

The actor was asked about the impact of his recent op-ed in The New York Times, titled “I Love Joe Biden, But We Need a New Nominee.” This essay is considered a pivotal moment in the growing momentum for urging the President to make way for a younger candidate. Less than two weeks after its publication, Biden announced his decision to drop out of the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who Clooney also quickly backed.

“The person who should be applauded is the president who did the most selfless thing that anybody has done since George Washington,” Clooney told reporters, according to People. He emphasized that the political maneuverings that led to this point would not be the focus of history; instead, the act of selflessness should be remembered.

“What should be honored is the selfless act of someone who did the hardest thing to do. We’ve seen this around the world, and for someone to say, ‘I think there’s a better way forward,’ deserves all the credit,” he added.

After Biden’s decision became public knowledge, Clooney stated to CNN, “President Biden has shown what true leadership is. He’s saving democracy once again.” He expressed enthusiasm about supporting Vice President Harris in her historic campaign.

George Clooney and Brad Pitt arrive at the Lido Beach for the Venice International Film Festival on September 1, 2024 (EPA)

Clooney’s op-ed, published on July 10, sent shockwaves throughout Biden’s camp. This came just three weeks after Clooney and Julia Roberts hosted a high-profile fundraiser for Biden, which raised a staggering $28 million and featured former President Barack Obama.

In his op-ed, Clooney revealed he had noticed a significant change in his friend, Biden. He wrote, “The one battle he cannot win is the fight against time.” He lamented that the Joe Biden he saw weeks earlier at the fundraiser was not the same dynamic leader he had known in previous years.

“None of us can. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago was not the Joe ‘big f***ing deal’ Biden of 2010,” he reflected. Clooney acknowledged Biden’s many achievements since taking office in January 2021 but offered a candid critique of the Democratic party and the advisors surrounding Biden.

His op-ed pointed out a collective fear among party members about the potential of a second Trump term, urging them to not ignore their concerns. “Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president,” Clooney warned. He expressed concern about the prospects of Democrats losing ground in Congress.

George Clooney during a photocall for 'Wolfs'
George Clooney poses during a photocall for the movie ‘Wolfs.’ He has praised Biden’s ‘selfless act’ of dropping out of race (REUTERS)

Clooney mentioned that his views were echoed by numerous senators, congress members, and governors he had spoken to since the debate. In concluding his essay, he expressed gratitude toward Biden, declaring, “Joe Biden is a hero; he saved democracy in 2020. We need him to do it again in 2024.”

This editorial represented a significant blow to Biden’s campaign during a critical time when he was losing support from key Democrats and donors. Donald Trump responded to Clooney’s commentary by labeling him a “fake movie star” who should steer clear of politics. Meanwhile, Ana Navarro, co-host of ABC’s The View, criticized Clooney following Biden’s announcement, suggesting that the donors who had once championed him might reconsider their financial support.

Source: People, CNN, Reuters