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GH’s Tabyana Ali Reveals Her Experience with Online Racism
Steven Bergman/AFF-USA.COM/MEGA

Back in June, General Hospital star Tabyana Ali took to social media to address some racist trolls who were posting hateful comments about her. Shortly after this, the soap itself stepped in to defend the young actress, declaring: “Racism has no place in Port Charles.” Now, Ali has penned a column for Deadline to open up about her experience.

“No one told me I had to maintain a social media presence,” she wrote, “but in this era, it’s almost an unspoken rule. Social media helps you build your brand and gives fans a glimpse into your life.

“I first found out about the trolls from another cast member who shared their own experience with online bullying, explaining why they manage their platforms the way they do,” Ali continued. “Eventually, I got my own taste of it. It started small but escalated to racially charged and life-threatening comments that were incredibly hurtful.”
Bahareh Ritter/Disney

Initially, Ali didn’t give much thought to the anonymous comments, but over time, that changed. “Eventually, I started having self-esteem issues and questioning my self-worth,” Ali confessed. “I saw comments suggesting that because I’m Black, I’m not as attractive as my on-screen counterparts and that I shouldn’t be in an interracial relationship. They said my value and talent didn’t compare.”

After talking to a friend who had gone through similar online bullying, Ali was stunned. “I couldn’t believe she felt that way,” she revealed. “I always saw her as graceful and confident. It made me realize how silly I was to surrender to people hiding behind their screens.

“Even with all the accomplishments in my career, I still accepted the negative comments as part of the truth,” Ali added. “It took months of letting go of that narrative and accepting that I’m not mediocre, that I’m beautiful, that I have value, and that I am talented. Now, I look in the mirror and wonder why I ever questioned that.”

Once Ali was in a better mental place, she decided to go public. “I wanted to speak out because I saw other soap stars, friends, and castmates dealing with hate, bigotry, and racism online. I wanted to take a stand,” she explained. “I wanted the trolls to know that I see them—not just their comments, but also their pain—and that online hate isn’t the way for them to be seen.”

Ali is grateful for the support she received from ABC, GH, castmates, and friends. Now, she urges other actors not to take such comments personally. And as she did back in June, she continues to advocate for kindness above all. “Don’t stoop to their level,” she declared. “That’s what the haters want. Don’t give them the satisfaction.”

Source: Deadline