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Gina Gershon Recalls Almost Breaking Tom Cruise’s Nose in ‘Cocktail’ Scene

Gina Gershon recently opened up about her first sex scene, which didn’t exactly go as planned.

During an appearance on Watch What Happens Live, the Borderlands actress shared that her “first love scene ever” was with Tom Cruise in the 1988 film Cocktail. Gershon described Cruise as a perfect “gentleman” during the scene, although an unexpected mishap left her embarrassed.

Recalling this incident to host Andy Cohen, Gershon said, “At one point, he starts off under the covers, and I told him I was very ticklish. I said, ‘No, no, don’t ever do that.’” However, Cruise perhaps wanted a genuine reaction and grabbed her stomach, leading to Gershon accidentally kneeing him “right in the nose.”

Gershon continued, “I was like, ‘Oh, my God, I just broke Tom Cruise’s nose.’ He’s like, ‘No, no, you told me.’ I’m like, ‘I’m so sorry,’ he was like, ‘No, it was my fault.’ And he was so overprotective over me. He was great.”

Cocktail, directed by Roger Donaldson, revolves around Brian (played by Cruise), a New York City business student and bartender who relocates to Jamaica and falls in love with artist Jordan (Elisabeth Shue). Gershon played the character Coral, a photographer involved in a relationship with Brian’s business partner Doug (Bryan Brown), which provokes Brian’s move to Jamaica in the first place.

Gershon noted that Cruise’s then-wife, Mimi Rogers, was frequently present on set since they had “just gotten married.” The couple was married from 1987 to 1990. Despite the presence of Rogers, Gershon and Cruise maintained a professional chemistry and “did kiss as much as we could” for the film.

Gershon added humorously, “Every scene it was like, ‘Should we kiss in the scene?’ ‘Oh yeah, I think we should kiss.’”

Source: source names