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Glen Powell Addresses Swirling Marvel/DC Casting Rumors

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Glen Powell is everywhere right now. He’s wrangling tornadoes, capturing the hearts of Americans, and even wrangling dogs, though not necessarily in that order. But the one place you won’t find him is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the DC Universe for that matter.

Despite frequent rumors attempting to cast him in a superhero role, the actor recently joined The Playlist’s The Discourse podcast to set the record straight.

“You know I’ve never gotten a call from DC or Marvel,” Powell revealed. “But I’m a fan of everything they do,” he added. “I just saw Deadpool [and Wolverine]. I freaking had a blast. I think what Shawn [Levy] and Ryan [Reynolds] did with that is extraordinary and just such a fun flavor for audiences. And I cheer for them. And I love what [they do].”

Powell recently fueled rumors that he would join DC after mentioning he would have a “wild take” on playing Batman, but it doesn’t seem like it’s in the cards for him. “I think James Gunn, Peter Safran, and what they’re doing at DC—I think it’s going to be really, really good for that business. So, it’s like, yeah, I cheer them all on. I’m a big fan of the movies,” he continued.

All of this is overshadowed by the fact that Powell did appear in one Batman universe as Trader #1 in Chris Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises. Maybe a movie where he is just a normal stockbroker living amongst supervillains would be fun. Or perhaps that’s his villain origin story.

Source: CB