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GOP Anti-Trump Group Launches $11.5 Million Ad Campaign in Swing States

On Tuesday, Republican Voters Against Trump announced a significant $11.5 million advertisement campaign aimed at pivotal swing states in preparation for the upcoming elections. This initiative represents the group’s largest advertising expenditure to date during this electoral cycle.

The targeted states include Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, along with Nebraska’s competitive 2nd Congressional District. The breakdown of the ad spending allocates $4.5 million to Pennsylvania, $3 million to Michigan, $2.2 million to Wisconsin, $1.5 million to Arizona, and $375,000 to Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District.

The campaign features a notable 30-second advertisement showcasing former Trump supporters who express their intention to support Vice President Harris in the forthcoming election. Additionally, the effort includes 79 billboards highlighting the perspectives of these former Trump voters.

“Our mission is to amplify the voices of disillusioned Republicans and create an environment for traditional GOP voters to distance themselves from Donald Trump and the MAGA movement—potentially choosing to vote for Democrats despite any policy disagreements,” stated Sarah Longwell, executive director of Republican Voters Against Trump.

This ad buy coincides with the Harris campaign’s strategy appealing to Republican voters. Recently, more than 200 former GOP staffers who had worked for four past Republican presidential candidates endorsed Harris, emphasizing their policy disagreements with her but declaring that Trump is simply “untenable.”

In August, the Harris campaign rolled out the “Republican Voters for Harris” initiative, which garnered over 25 endorsements from GOP figures, including former secretaries like Chuck Hagel and Ray LaHood, as well as past Republican governors and legislators. A selection of Republican voices, such as former Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), former Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan (R), and ex-Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, shared their views at the recent Democratic National Convention.

Polling trends indicate Harris is gaining ground on Trump, both nationally and at the state level. According to the polling average from The Hill/Decision Desk HQ, Harris is ahead of Trump nationally, garnering 49.4 percent of support compared to Trump’s 45.4 percent. In Pennsylvania, the polling average shows her with a slight edge of 0.7 percent; in Michigan, she leads by 1.6 percent, while in Wisconsin, her advantage grows to 3.4 percent. Arizona reflects a close contest with Harris leading by just 0.1 percent over Trump. Furthermore, analysis of Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District suggests that Harris has an 82 percent probability of winning in that area.

Nebraska’s electoral structure awards two of its five electoral college votes to the statewide winner of the presidential election, with one additional vote assigned to the candidate who secures the most votes in each of the three congressional districts. The growing Omaha metropolitan area contributes to the increasing Democratic strength within Nebraska, potentially positioning the 2nd Congressional District as a key player in the upcoming election.

The implications of this advertising campaign and the shifting voter sentiments could shape the dynamics of the presidential race in significant ways, particularly in these critical battleground states.

As the election draws closer, the strategies and messaging from both campaigns will be essential in determining voter allegiance and turnout.

Source: The Hill