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Gracie Abrams’ Amazing Transformation

In June 2024, a viral post on X (formerly Twitter) expressed surprise that people considered Gracie Abrams a “nepo baby.” The term refers to a beneficiary of nepotism, someone whose family connections in entertainment likely opened some doors. The user wrote, “there is literally no way you knew JJ Abrams before Gracie unless ur like 50 like be for real.” Commenters were quick to point out that her father, director J.J. Abrams, is indeed quite famous. He’s the man behind “Star Trek” and “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” not to mention the creator of multiple iconic television shows like “Alias,” “Felicity,” and “Lost.”

Thanks to her dad’s career, Gracie grew up in Los Angeles, and she’s glad she did. “As a kid, when you are unable to drive, it actually makes it feel like this very small bubble … I appreciated that,” she told W Magazine, noting she also lucked out because she loves the ocean. “It kind of demystified Los Angeles,” she added. “People say L.A. is this, like, really sexy place … Sometimes it’s great. Other times, it feels very isolating.”

Gracie acknowledges that her dad’s fame helped her decide on her path. “I feel like I’ve been lucky,” she told iHeartRadio Canada. “It’s undeniable that there is like, a privilege in having even grown up around the knowledge of what the entertainment world looks like.”

Source: W Magazine, iHeartRadio Canada