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Graham Labels Harris as a ‘Wrecking Ball’ on Israel Issues

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) recently criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for her approach to Israel’s conflict with Hamas, branding her a “wrecking ball” regarding her foreign policy decisions.

In an interview on ABC News’s “This Week,” Graham expressed discontent with Harris’s actions related to Israel, stating, “On Israel, she sat there and listened to somebody call the Israeli government and people engaging in genocide and did nothing about it.” He did not specify the exact incident he was referencing.

Harris has faced significant protest during her campaign, especially from groups expressing dissent against the U.S. stance on the Israel-Hamas war. Last month, at a campaign event in Michigan, protesters interrupted her speech with chants, “Kamala, Kamala, you can’t hide, we won’t vote for genocide.”

Graham further alleged that Harris “boycotted” a recent address from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before Congress, pointing out her absence in July when Netanyahu spoke. While vice presidents traditionally preside over such addresses, Harris was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict in Indiana.

Several Democratic lawmakers also opted not to attend Netanyahu’s speech in protest of Israel’s actions and the lack of progress on achieving a cease-fire amidst the ongoing war, which has led to significant casualties in Gaza, reportedly over 40,000 Palestinians.

Graham stated, “She boycotted Bibi’s speech to the Congress, sending the signal to Hamas and Iran that America really doesn’t have Israel’s back.” He also criticized her support for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, labeling it “the dumbest decision maybe in modern history by an American administration.”

Former President Donald Trump also condemned Harris’s absence from Netanyahu’s address, calling it “insulting” that she met with him afterwards.

Throughout the ongoing conflict, Harris has attempted to maintain a balanced stance. She has faced pressure from protestors to take a firmer position on issues regarding the military actions in Gaza, and has voiced her commitment to Israel’s right to defend itself following the October 7 attacks by Hamas, which resulted in significant loss of life and hostage situations.

In a speech, Harris stated, “What has happened in Gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. The scale of suffering is heartbreaking.” She emphasized that both President Biden and she are actively seeking to end the conflict while ensuring Israel’s security and addressing the humanitarian crisis faced by Palestinians.

Many have noted a change in Harris’s public remarks, suggesting they might reflect a different emphasis compared to previous statements made by President Biden. However, pro-Palestinian activists argue that her comments do not go far enough in advocating for Palestinian rights.

Graham maintained that Harris is part of “the most incompetent administration on issues that mean the most to the American people,” particularly concerning safety and prosperity.

Discussion moderator Jonathan Karl pointed out that other lawmakers, such as Senator JD Vance (R-Ohio), also did not attend Netanyahu’s address. Graham countered, stating, “but he wasn’t – yes, but it, but he wasn’t vice president of the United States. And no – nobody doubts J.D.’s support for Israel. JD has been unequivocally supporting Israel,” emphasizing that Harris’s lack of attendance sent the wrong message.

In her meeting with Netanyahu in July, Harris highlighted the importance of reaching a cease-fire and securing a deal for the release of hostages. This ongoing tension surrounding her policies and public appearances continues to be a focal point in the current political climate.

Source: source names