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Groom-to-Be Pranks Fiancée with Green Screen Suit on Zoom Call

When the pandemic caused the country to shut down, many people switched to Zoom meetings. This allowed businesses to continue operating during quarantine, which opened up a world of possibilities for prankster Matt Garcia. While his then-fiancée Katie worked, Matt used a green screen and suit that was supposed to allow him to avoid being seen in the background of her Zoom meetings.

In Part 1 of an ongoing series of TikTok videos, an invisible figure carries a coffee cup in the background. He quickly scampers out of camera range when he realizes her co-workers could still see him. Matt and Katie have since married, so his pranks weren’t a deal-breaker.

The green screen Zoom photobombs continued. Part 3 happened when a follower requested to see the floating coffee cup. Matt donned the suit and walked through the background. In Part 5, Matt got a little risqué, offering an “invisible” one-fingered salute that was quite visible. Up to this point, Katie had been able to maintain her professional demeanor. Other people on the call noticed Matt in the background, which seemed to become an office joke. In Part 5, Katie lost control and laughed at Matt’s antics.
Image from TikTok.

We don’t think Matt is still bombing his wife’s meetings. He is a photographer and works with photo and video editing. On his Instagram, he says, “I’m just getting warmed up.” Matt’s talent is on full display there, while he seems to reserve his antics for other social media platforms. His green screen Zoom meeting antics got millions of views on TikTok. You can also find Matt on X. We’re sure Matt still has his green screen suit for comic relief during Zoom meetings. Please share.

Source: TikTok, Instagram