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Gypsy-Rose Blanchard Announces Gender of Her First Baby

Gypsy-Rose Blanchard is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her first child.

On Saturday, August 10, Blanchard announced on Instagram that she and her boyfriend, Ken Urker, are expecting a baby girl. The announcement included a heartwarming video that showed the couple standing by a display of balloons. They popped the balloons to release pink confetti, revealing the gender of their baby.

In the video, Blanchard and Urker speak directly to their future daughter. “Sweetie, I’m your mom,” Blanchard says, and Urker follows with, “I’m your dad.” They both joyfully proclaim together, “You are a girl!”

Blanchard shared her excitement in the Instagram post’s caption, writing, “The moment y’all have been waiting for… It’s a girl! Ken and I are over the moon and are so excited to start our family. We’re so thankful for our friends, neighbors, and families who came to our party today! We also want thank y’all for your love and support!” The message was enhanced with affectionate emojis to convey their happiness.

Last month, Blanchard provided more details about her surprising pregnancy news in an interview with PEOPLE. She expressed her shock upon finding out she was expecting. “I was very surprised,” Blanchard shared via Zoom, just hours after she announced her pregnancy in an emotional YouTube video.

Blanchard’s stepmother, Kristy, also commented on the moment the couple learned they would become parents. “His face was priceless,” Kristy recalled of Urker’s reaction. She described how he had a big smile and referred to the pregnancy as a blessing. Kristy is confident that Blanchard and Urker will be wonderful parents. “They will cherish every minute of it,” she said, adding that once they hold their baby for the first time, their lives will forever change.

The journey to this point has been complicated for Blanchard and Urker. The couple previously got engaged while Blanchard was incarcerated for her involvement in her mother Dee Dee Blanchard’s murder. They ended their engagement in 2019. Blanchard later married Ryan Anderson in 2022 while she was still in prison.

Blanchard was released from prison in December 2023 and filed for divorce from Anderson a few months later, in April. Urker moved from Texas to Louisiana in June to be closer to Blanchard.

Blanchard, who endured abuse from her mother due to Munchausen syndrome by proxy, has been contemplative about the kind of mother she aspires to be. She mentioned her stepmother as a positive role model. “I want to be kind and approachable so my kids can come to me for any advice,” she said. Blanchard admires her stepmother’s parenting style, describing her as a supportive and non-overbearing figure who allows her children to pursue their dreams while being there to support them if things don’t work out.

Blanchard aims to embody this balance in her own parenting, ensuring she provides guidance without being overbearing.

Source: PEOPLE