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Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Ex Shares Anniversary Tribute

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s estranged ex-husband, Ryan Scott Anderson, shared a heartfelt tribute to mark what would have been their anniversary. Gypsy ended their marriage just three months after her release from prison, but Ryan still felt it important to acknowledge their time together.

Ryan and Gypsy’s relationship began in an unusual way. They met in 2020 while she was incarcerated for her involvement in the murder of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard. Suffering from Munchausen by proxy, Gypsy’s case gained Ryan’s interest, leading him to reach out to her through letters. This correspondence blossomed into a romantic relationship, and the couple got engaged, deciding to marry even though Gypsy was still behind bars.

In 2022, the two were wed, and Gypsy was released from prison in December 2023. Their post-prison life together was fraught with issues, as depicted in “Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup.” Ryan exhibited controlling behavior, often speaking for Gypsy and addressing her condescendingly. He was also a hoarder, a behavior that clashed severely with Gypsy’s efforts to maintain a clean living space, an effort she made to distance herself from her traumatic upbringing. Their relationship eventually ended, with Gypsy returning to her former fiancé, Ken Urker.

Despite their separation, Ryan took to TikTok Live on July 2nd to commemorate what would have been their three-year anniversary. Speaking to his viewers, he said, “July 2nd, I shot fireworks off for her tonight like three years ago. Yeah, I need to move on but guys I have my moments where I miss her and today is one of them. Because like I said I met her three years ago for the first time. We talked for a year and like a month before I got to meet her.”

This day held significant meaning for Ryan, and he chose to honor it in his way. Additionally, Ryan apologized to Ken, acknowledging he had acted inappropriately by lashing out at him and recognizing it was wrong.

Gypsy’s relationship with Ken Urker adds another layer to this complex narrative. When she met Ryan, she still had unresolved emotions for Ken, her former fiancé. Upon her release, her stepmother Kristy informed her that Ken was still single and that he only ended their relationship to give her the freedom to explore life, not foreseeing she would get married. Ryan had always been wary of Ken making a reappearance in Gypsy’s life, which eventually did happen after they split.

Ryan made another apology during his live session, expressing his regret over his confrontational interactions with Ken. He stated, “Sorry, Gypsy for fighting with Ken over text. I did ask how you were because I am genuinely curious how you’re doing because we are going through the show thing and I am curious about you. Is what it is; I can’t help it. I do still care whether you want me to or not.”

While fans have urged Ryan to move on, he admitted it is easier said than done. “We were married for nearly two years and not just dating,” Ryan said, explaining why it is challenging to let go of the past.

Ryan’s tribute and his candid reflections on their relationship reveal the emotional complexities that linger even after separation. The connection they shared, forged under extraordinary circumstances, continues to impact him deeply.

What are your thoughts on Ryan’s way of honoring their anniversary despite their separation? Feel free to share your perspectives in the comments.

Source: People