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Half of UK Adults Found to ‘Not Read’ Regularly, New Study Reveals

A recent study conducted by The Reading Agency has revealed significant insights into the current reading habits of UK adults, showing that half of the population does not engage in regular reading. The survey highlighted a concerning trend among younger individuals, with 24 percent of those aged 16 to 24 admitting they have never been readers.

The research involved more than 2,000 “nationally representative” UK consumers and showed a notable decline in regular reading from previous years. While 50 percent of adult respondents stated they read regularly, this figure is down by 8 percent from 2015, when 58 percent claimed to be regular readers.

Intriguingly, the report indicated that 15 percent of adults never read for pleasure, while 35 percent consider themselves former readers who have ceased the habit.

Several reasons contribute to the decline in reading habits among UK adults. A significant 33 percent of respondents attributed their lack of reading to a shortage of time. The distraction from social media also plays a role, with 20 percent of people pointing to it as a reason for their diminished reading. Additionally, 28 percent of adults confessed they struggle to maintain focus for extended periods while reading a book.

Karen Napier, CEO of The Reading Agency, commented on this issue, saying, “Lack of time is the biggest barrier to UK adults reading more, which makes the summer holidays the perfect opportunity to take time out and read. We would encourage anyone who hasn’t picked up a book or audiobook in a while, or who may have lost their confidence, to use this summer break to kickstart their reading habit.”

The study also outlines the numerous benefits of regular reading, ranging from improved mental health and wellbeing to better sleep and enhanced concentration. Moreover, regular reading can boost empathic abilities, enabling individuals to understand and relate to others’ feelings and experiences better. Creativity is another area that sees improvement through consistent reading habits.

In an effort to reignite the nation’s passion for books, The Reading Agency’s report suggests various channels to “reboot” the public’s enthusiasm for literature. Encouragingly, a positive attitude towards reading and a general desire to read were noted across all age groups.

A significant 41 percent of respondents mentioned that they have been inspired to read a book by a film or TV show adaptation, showing that multimedia influences can play a role in promoting reading among the public.

In the coming months, The Reading Agency plans to release additional reports focusing on the specific benefits of reading and providing a deeper analysis of the data collected. These upcoming reports aim to further illuminate the importance of regular reading in everyday life.

Source: The Reading Agency