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Halle Berry Criticizes Olivier Martinez for Not Accepting Her Boyfriend in Court


Halle Berry is expressing concerns about co-parenting with her ex, Olivier Martinez, with whom she has a 10-year-old son, Maceo. Berry detailed her issues in a recent court filing obtained by TMZ, where she accused Martinez of not meeting the terms of their co-parenting agreement.

According to Berry, the pair had agreed to co-parenting therapy, but Martinez delayed the sessions to take the summer off in France—a decision that Berry claims was neither cleared by her nor the therapist. “Olivier’s conduct has resulted in several areas that concern me greatly,” said Berry in the filing. One significant issue she noted was “Olivier’s continued refusal to accept my relationship with [boyfriend Van Hunt], who plays an important role in Maceo’s life.”

Berry further elaborated that Martinez’s resistance to accepting Van Hunt has impacted their son. “Olivier’s lack of acceptance of Van has resulted in Olivier refusing to permit Maceo to work in a family therapy setting with me and Van as a means to continue to create a healthy environment for our son within the structure of a blended family,” she added. Berry has been dating Hunt since 2020.

Among other concerns, Berry listed Martinez’s unilateral decision-making regarding Maceo’s education and extracurricular activities without her prior knowledge or consent, despite their joint legal custody. She also claimed that Martinez places their son in the middle of his anger towards her, interfering with her therapeutic efforts with Maceo. Furthermore, Berry accused Martinez of attempting to align Maceo against her, making their son angry with her over private issues. Martinez allegedly has also refused to take necessary steps to obtain educational and psychoeducational services for Maceo, using the child’s soccer activities as leverage for negotiating terms that impact his educational and therapeutic needs.

Additionally, Berry accused Martinez of influencing Maceo’s teacher and therapist with false stories about her relationship with her son.

In her filing, Berry asked the judge to enforce Martinez’s compliance with the prior agreement, which includes therapy sessions and other requirements. These were signed in May but have yet to be fulfilled. “During this intervening two months, the parties should have completed their individual sessions, should have begun their conjoint sessions, and the co-parenting therapist should have communicated with necessary third parties as part of this process, all in the name of the best interests of their son, Maceo,” noted Berry. “None of that has occurred. In fact, not a single conjoint session has been scheduled and not a single third party has been contacted.”

Berry pointed out that Martinez’s excuse of being in France for the summer does not hold, as the therapy sessions can be conducted via Zoom, making location irrelevant.

According to PEOPLE, Judge Shelley Kaufman denied Berry’s request, not considering it an urgent matter. Neither Berry nor Martinez has commented further on the filing.