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Hamas Denounces Israel’s ‘False’ Narrative on School Massacre

On August 10, an Israeli airstrike on a school in Gaza claimed the lives of over 100 individuals who were sheltering there, prompting Hamas to respond vigorously against what it termed Israel’s deceptive narrative regarding the incident. Hamas rejected claims that the school, located in the Daraj neighborhood, was being used as a command center by their fighters, stating that the information provided by Israel was both misleading and false.

People sit near the bodies of family members at the al-Maamadani hospital, following an Israeli strike that killed over 100 people seeking shelter in a school in Gaza City. Photo by Mahmoud Zaki/UPI

In a public statement, Hamas insisted that the victims included innocent civilians, such as children, university professors, and clerics. They specifically challenged Israel’s claim that a number of the deceased were members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, asserting that the Israeli military had incorrectly identified 19 of the dead as militants.

The militant group further accused Israel of fabricating these claims to divert attention from the widespread international criticism it faced after the massacre. “We confirm that the allegations made by the occupation army are false and baseless,” Hamas stated. “None of those killed were armed; they were unarmed civilians targeted during the dawn prayer.”

This incident highlights the ongoing battle of narratives that has escalated alongside the violent conflict in Gaza. Historically, Israel has faced backlash for making misleading statements. For example, during the 2008 conflict, Israel initially denied using white phosphorus in populated areas, only to later acknowledge its deployment after evidence came to light.

Moreover, there have been instances where Israel has accused Hamas of using civilian structures without offering substantive proof. A notable case occurred in 2021 when an Israeli strike targeted a high-rise building in Gaza City known to house international journalists, with the Israeli military asserting it was linked to Hamas, yet providing no supporting evidence.

Hamas also took aim at British Foreign Secretary David Lammy, criticizing his remarks regarding the school attack. Lammy had called for Palestinian fighters to cease endangering civilians but did not extend the same call to Israeli forces. Hamas accused Lammy of making a “heinous alignment with the occupation’s false narrative” by failing to recognize the complexities of the conflict.

Hamas expressed that such comments were an attempt to undermine the United Kingdom’s legal and moral responsibility regarding the ongoing violence in Gaza, particularly in light of Britain’s continued political and military support for Israel. The organization’s statement called for both the UK and the United States to retract any statements or actions that could implicate them as complicit in the actions deemed as war crimes and genocide within the Gaza Strip.

The situation in Gaza remains dire, with ongoing military operations contributing to rising tensions in the region. Incidents like the bombing of the school underscore the urgent need for a reevaluation of how military actions are reported and the narratives that surround them.

As the conflict continues to unfold, the clash of information from both sides complicates the quest for truth and accountability in the wake of tragic events. With civilian casualties rising, the call for clearer narratives and an examination of the moral responsibilities of all parties involved is more pressing than ever.

Source: UPI