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Harris Dismisses Question About Trump’s Race Comments: ‘Next Question’

Vice President Kamala Harris recently provided her first extensive interview since becoming the Democratic nominee, discussing her evolving policy positions and affirming that her core values remain unchanged.

In a segment that aired on CNN, anchor Dana Bash questioned Harris about her varying stances on climate change and other significant issues. She asked whether these shifts were a result of gaining more experience or the context of running in a Democratic primary. Bash also sought reassurance that Harris’s current views would consistently guide her policies moving forward.

Harris responded firmly, emphasizing that while her approach may adapt, the foundational principles guiding her perspective have not changed. She stated, “You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed – and I have worked on it – that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

As she elaborated on her commitment to addressing climate change, she pointed out the significance of the Inflation Reduction Act, which established critical goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. According to Harris, the urgency surrounding the climate crisis remains a steadfast value in her policy framework.

Furthermore, she expressed a similar unwavering commitment to border security, recalling her experiences as California’s attorney general. Harris highlighted her efforts in prosecuting criminal organizations involved in the illegal trafficking of firearms, drugs, and individuals across the U.S. border, reiterating that her values concerning border security have not wavered.

In another segment of the interview, Harris revealed her openness to appointing a Republican to her Cabinet should she win the presidency. Although she did not have a specific individual in mind, she emphasized the importance of diverse viewpoints in governance. “I’ve got 68 days to go with this election, so I’m not putting the cart before the horse,” she noted, weighing her desire for inclusive representation.

Harris believes that incorporating individuals with differing perspectives is crucial for making impactful decisions that resonate with the American public. She articulated that having a Republican voice in her Cabinet would enrich discussions and contribute positively to governance.

Amidst the political landscape, Harris was also confronted with comments made by former President Donald Trump. During an interview at the National Association of Black Journalists convention, Trump questioned Harris’s racial identity, suggesting uncertainty about her heritage. He remarked, “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now, she wants to be known as Black. So, I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?”

In response to these remarks, Harris brushed off the incident, indicating that it was merely a repetition of an old narrative. She responded succinctly, stating, “Same old, tired playbook. Next question, please.” This interaction showcases Harris’s focus on substantive issues rather than engaging with divisive rhetoric.

The interview, which provided insights into Harris’s thoughts and policy intentions, aired later that evening on CNN. Her comments aimed to reassure voters about her principles and her vision for governance moving forward. As the election approaches, Harris’s articulations of her values and her willingness to embrace diverse perspectives may play a significant role in shaping her campaign strategy.

As the political climate intensifies, viewers are encouraged to stay informed on any developments regarding Harris’s campaign and the broader implications of her policy positions.

Source: ABC News