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Harris Feels a ‘Great Responsibility’ to Lead After Biden Steps Down

Vice President Kamala Harris engaged in an emotional dialogue with Oprah Winfrey in front of a live audience of over 400 supporters on Thursday night. The event, which took place near Detroit, highlighted pressing issues such as abortion, gun violence, immigration, and economic policies through personal stories from affected families.

The interaction allowed both in-person and virtual attendees to pose questions to Harris. One poignant moment was when the family of Amber Thurman, a Georgia woman who tragically died due to complications following a medication abortion, recounted their heartbreaking experience. Thurman’s mother, Jeannette, who spoke tearfully, wanted to remain private about her pain but ultimately decided to share her daughter’s story to raise awareness. “Amber was not a statistic. She was loved by a family, and we would have done anything to help our baby,” she stated.

Jeannette conveyed the depth of her grief, stating, “You’re looking at a mother that is broken. The worst pain ever that a parent could ever feel.” As she shared her story, audience members were visibly moved and shed tears.

Harris expressed her condolences, commending the family for their courage in sharing Amber’s story. “This is a story that, sadly, is not unique,” she remarked, further criticizing former President Donald Trump for his appointments to the Supreme Court and the impact of the Dobbs decision on women’s health rights.

Hadley Duvall, who has been vocal against abortion bans and has shared her experience of childhood abuse, also participated in the event. She emphasized the urgency of addressing reproductive health care, saying, “You can’t wait until it’s too late to care about reproductive health care, because then it’s too late.” Her words resonated with the audience, highlighting the importance of advocacy.

The conversation shifted to the ever-pressing issue of mass shootings. Winfrey remarked on the normalization of gun violence, urging, “This is not normal, y’all. Other people in other countries do not have this issue. We Americans, we have to do better.”

Among the attendees was Natalie Griffith, a 15-year-old who survived a recent school shooting at Apalachee High School in Atlanta. Her mother Marilda shared her emotional reaction upon hearing of the shooting. “My heart just dropped. I dropped to my knee on the floor and just started praying,” she said, expressing the fear and heartache families face in such situations.

In response, Harris reiterated the need for “common sense” solutions regarding gun violence, arguing against the false dichotomy of supporting the Second Amendment or being in favor of widespread gun control. She added humorously about her own status as a gun owner, suggesting that her commentary might have unintended consequences for her staff.

The “Unite for America” event gathered various groups mobilizing support for Harris, with her outlining her policy visions on vital issues. In a reflective moment, Winfrey asked Harris if she felt a profound sense of responsibility in her role as a candidate. Harris affirmed this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of collective leadership and the ideals that define American identity: freedom, independence, and dignity.

As the night progressed, the event also featured a number of celebrities, including Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Ben Stiller, Bryan Cranston, Chris Rock, Meryl Streep, and others, who threw their support behind Harris. Winfrey opened the evening by reiterating her commitment to the future of America and her belief in Harris as a unifying force in politics. “There’s been so much talk about that word joy. It means that there is a real feeling of optimism and hope making its comeback,” Winfrey articulated.

In closing, Winfrey emphasized that this new day, filled with hope and positivity, is not just on the horizon but is something they are currently experiencing. As they navigated through heartfelt discussions about the nation’s challenges, it became evident that the evening served not only as a platform for policy discussions but also as a moment of shared grief, resilience, and hope for a better future.

Source: ABC News