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Harris in Georgia Links Deaths of Two Women to ‘Trump Abortion Ban’

Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a sharp critique of former President Donald Trump and the Republican party during a speech in Atlanta, addressing the consequences of Georgia’s strict six-week abortion ban. This remarks came in the wake of a ProPublica report highlighting the fatalities of two women in Georgia attributed directly to this law.

In her speech, Harris emphasized the conflict between enforcing such bans and genuinely supporting the interests of women and children. “One in three women in America lives in a state with a Trump abortion ban,” she stated. “When combined with the long-standing neglect surrounding issues like maternal mortality, and the inadequate resources available for healthcare during pregnancy and postpartum, it presents a concerning reality.”

She questioned the motives of those advocating for abortion restrictions, saying, “These hypocrites claim to have the best interests of women and children in mind. But where have they been concerning the care for women and children in America?”

Photo of Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at a forum.

Harris proceeded to mock Trump’s inconsistent stance on abortion, suggesting that he would enforce nationwide bans if given the opportunity. “I do believe in the exception to save the mother’s life,” she caricatured, imitating Trump’s voice.

She further criticized the Republican party for blocking legislation aimed at securing federal protections and insurance coverage for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. “Just this week, Republicans in the Senate prevented a bill that could protect access to IVF treatment. They want to restrict women’s freedom regarding both ending unwanted pregnancies and starting families,” she asserted.

Harris also mentioned Trump’s declaration to support extreme abortion bans in his new home state of Florida, linking this to similar bans like Georgia’s. She noted, “Additionally, they want to limit access to contraception.”

During her recent trip to Detroit, Harris met with the family of Amber Thurman, one of the women highlighted in ProPublica’s report. Shanette Thurman, Amber’s mother, expressed that the term “preventable” was constantly on her mind following her daughter’s tragic death.

“When she learned about how her child died, the word ‘preventable’ was echoing in her thoughts,” Harris shared. “She asked me to ensure that Amber is not just another statistic.” Together with the audience, Harris invoked Amber’s name, emphasizing the need to remember the lives affected by such policies.

“Now we know that at least two women have died because of a Trump abortion ban,” Harris said, prompting the audience to repeat Amber’s name three times as a collective remembrance.

Abortion rights activists rally
Pro-abortion rights activists rallying in Atlanta, Georgia.

Harris continued her denunciation of Trump, labeling him the “architect” of abortion bans. “This is a health care crisis, and Donald Trump is the architect. He boasts about overturning Roe v. Wade, saying, ‘I did it, and I’m proud to have done it,’” she stated, highlighting the serious repercussions of such actions for women’s health rights.

Reproductive rights have been a cornerstone of Harris’s campaign. Earlier this month, her team launched a bus tour aimed at promoting “reproductive freedom,” beginning in Palm Beach County, home to Trump.

During a recent debate, Trump insisted that regulating abortion should be left to each state, adding that he would not pledge to veto a potential federal abortion ban if re-elected. Instead, he dismissed the notion that such a situation would arise.

Tragically, Amber Thurman passed away just two weeks after the implementation of Georgia’s abortion ban, waiting hours for medical assistance during an incomplete abortion. Another woman, identified in the report, died due to complications from abortion medication after avoiding medical care.

Georgia remains a crucial battleground state for the upcoming elections, having been won narrowly by Biden in 2020. Recognizing the importance of reaching out beyond urban voters, Harris visited rural areas in Georgia, culminating her tour with a rally in Savannah.

Current polling data indicates a tight race in Georgia, where Trump holds a slight lead over Harris, with Trump at 48% and Harris at 47% according to averages.

Source: ABC News