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Harris on Policy Changes: “My Values Have Not Changed”

In her first extensive interview since becoming the Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris addressed her evolving policy positions during a segment on CNN. When questioned about these shifts, she emphasized that her “values have not changed.”

The interview featured Dana Bash, CNN’s anchor and chief political correspondent, who inquired about how voters should interpret Harris’ changing stances on issues such as climate change. She posed questions regarding whether Harris’s adjustments were a result of gaining experience or a strategy for the Democratic primary. Bash also sought assurance that Harris’s current positions would remain consistent in her future policies.

“Dana, the most important aspect of my policy perspective is that my values have not changed,” Harris responded. “You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed—and I’ve worked on it—that the climate crisis is real and it is critical that we set concrete deadlines to address it.”

She pointed to the Inflation Reduction Act as progress toward these goals, noting that it established targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in both the United States and globally. This value, she asserted, remains unchanged.

Harris also highlighted her dedication to border security and her history of prosecuting transnational criminal organizations during her time as California’s attorney general. She reiterated that her foundational values regarding border security have been steadfast.

In another part of the interview, Harris expressed her openness to appointing a Republican to her Cabinet, though she stated that she does not have a specific candidate in mind. “I’ve got 68 days to go with this election, so I’m not putting the cart before the horse,” she explained. Harris mentioned that throughout her career, she has valued diverse opinions and experiences, believing that this diversity is beneficial when making significant decisions that impact the American public.

Addressing comments made by former President Donald Trump regarding her race, Harris was asked about his statements during the National Association of Black Journalists convention. Trump appeared to question her racial identity, suggesting uncertainty about whether she identifies as Black or Indian.

“I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now, she wants to be known as Black. So, I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?” Trump had remarked.

When Bash brought up Trump’s comments, Harris dismissed them as “the same old, tired playbook” and moved on, saying, “Next question, please.”

This interview will be aired on CNN later tonight at 9 p.m. ET. It serves as a significant moment for Harris as she openly discusses her principles and political strategies ahead of the upcoming election.

As this story develops, more updates are expected to follow, shedding light on Harris’s campaign and her responses to current political challenges.

Source: ABC News