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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Haunted Texas Hotel Doll Tried to Escape Glass Case

If you’re seeking a thrilling paranormal experience in Texas, the Jefferson Hotel in Jefferson is the place to be. This hotel is renowned for its numerous haunted tales. Guests have reported shirts being tugged, bananas being thrown, and disembodied voices cussing at a cross, among other eerie occurrences. In the latest video, a doll displayed in a case on the wall can be seen moving on its own. Was it trying to escape?

The Jefferson Hotel is no stranger to spooky stories. One memorable account involves a guest walking through the hotel with a spirit box, a device intended to capture ghostly voices. This guest ascended the stairs to a section known as the religious room. At the entrance, there stood a cross on a stand. As the guest approached the cross, the spirit box captured a voice saying, “f@#& the cross.” This frightening experience caused the woman to scream and run down the hallway.

The hotel has also experienced other reports of dolls moving independently. In one particular room filled with various dolls, a guest captured video footage of a doll standing against the wall next to a bed. The video shows the doll moving, stopping, moving again, stopping, and finally falling to the floor, a truly unnerving sight for anyone watching.

Another paranormal occurrence involved a ghost being mischievous in the hotel’s kitchen. This ghost seemed to have a preference for the arrangement of the prep area. A box fell to the floor, followed by a box of crackers, a tub of butter, and some bananas being moved and then tossed to the ground. This playful spirit clearly had its own ideas about the kitchen organization.

In the most recent video, the focus is on a doll known as Eddie the Living Doll, displayed in a case on the wall. The video depicts the doll moving forward, stopping, moving forward again, stopping, and then leaning into the glass. Was Eddie attempting to get out? Or was a ghostly companion trying to play with him? We’ll never know for certain.

Could be gravity. You never know. – Jefferson Hotel Owner commenting on the doll moving in its case

What we do know is that a stay at the Jefferson Hotel is always filled with surprises. These could range from harmless orbs to blood-curdling screams from nowhere to mysterious messages left on mirrors. Book a stay one weekend and see what you encounter. It’s an adventure not for the faint-hearted but certainly one you won’t forget in a hurry.

Source: Newsbreak