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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Haunted Texas Hotel Doll Tried to Escape Its Glass Case

If you’re seeking an eerie paranormal adventure in Texas, the Jefferson Hotel in Jefferson should be your destination. This establishment is famous for its plethora of haunted tales, including shirts getting tugged, bananas being thrown, and even a disembodied voice uttering profanity at a cross. Most recently, a video has surfaced showing a doll, encased and displayed on a wall, moving on its own. Could it have been attempting to escape?

The Jefferson Hotel is filled with many ghost stories. One incident involved a guest carrying a spirit box, hoping to capture a ghost’s voice, while walking through the hotel. As they ascended the stairs leading to a room known as the religious room, the box picked up a voice saying “f@&# the cross.” The guest was so frightened by the profanity that she screamed loudly and fled down the hallway.

The hotel has a history of dolls seemingly moving on their own. There’s even a room dedicated to various dolls. In one notable video captured by a guest, a doll standing against the wall next to a bed moves slightly before falling to the floor. Watching such footage can be quite unnerving.

Another story from the Jefferson Hotel features a playful ghost in the kitchen area. This ghost appeared to be displeased with the arrangement of some items on a prep area. A box was first thrown to the floor, followed by a box of crackers and a tub of butter being moved. Finally, some bananas were tossed to the floor. This ghost seemed to have a preference for tidiness, evidently not liking the current setup.

The latest video, featuring a doll called Eddie the Living Doll, takes the creepiness to another level. Eddie is displayed in a case on the wall, and in the video, you can see the doll move forward, stop, move forward again, stop, and then lean towards the glass. Was the doll trying to break free? Or was it simply responding to a playful ghost companion?

“Could be gravity. You never know,” commented the Jefferson Hotel owner on the unusual movement of the doll in its case.

What is certain is that staying at the Jefferson Hotel is always eventful. Surprises can range from harmless orbs and inexplicable blood-curdling screams to mysterious messages left on mirrors. For those who enjoy a good scare, a weekend stay at the Jefferson Hotel might be just the thing to quench their thirst for the paranormal.

Source:,,, Canva