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Hawaii Tops Happiness Rankings: How the Rest of America Compares

Life’s challenges can feel overwhelming, but where you live and the people and opportunities around you can significantly influence your happiness. In light of this, WalletHub has revealed its annual rankings of the Happiest States in America, analyzing the 50 states based on a range of factors.

The assessment, released recently, evaluated each state using 30 different metrics that encompass various aspects of social, physical, economic, and emotional health. According to WalletHub analyst Chip Lupo, the findings show that happiness can be partly attributed to one’s environment. “The happiest states are those that provide above-average quality of life across diverse areas, such as strong economies, quality healthcare, leisure time, and favorable weather conditions,” he said.

Each state in the survey received an overall score and was ranked in categories including physical and emotional well-being, work environment, and community and environment. Metrics used to determine scores in these categories included factors like adult depression rates, life expectancy, commute times, and safety.

This year, Hawaii emerged victorious, moving from the runner-up position last year to claim the title of the happiest state in America for 2024, with an impressive score of 68.71. The Aloha State topped the rankings in physical and emotional well-being and secured the third position for community and environment. However, it ranked 31st in work environment.

Conversely, Louisiana was named the unhappiest state, sliding from 49th place last year to 50th this year, with a score of just 32.97. The state performed poorly in physical and emotional well-being, ranking 49th in both categories, though it fared slightly better in community and environment, where it stood at 40th place.

Experts suggest that while there might not be a singular solution to achieving happiness, the environment certainly plays a crucial role. Peter Harms, a management professor, noted that a favorable environment helps individuals pursue their interests and fulfill their needs, thereby allowing them to flourish. “You won’t find many happy people in solitary confinement,” he remarked.

Moreover, he emphasized that although humans are extremely adaptable and resilient, those living in less favorable conditions tend to develop a tolerance to their surroundings.

The following list showcases the ten happiest states:

  • 1. Hawaii (up from No. 2)
  • 2. Maryland (up from No. 3)
  • 3. New Jersey (up from No. 5)
  • 4. Utah (down from No. 1)
  • 5. Delaware (up from No. 11)
  • 6. Minnesota (down from No. 4)
  • 7. Connecticut (down from No. 6)
  • 8. Idaho (up from No. 9)
  • 9. Nebraska (up from No. 10)
  • 10. Massachusetts (up from No. 12)

In stark contrast, here are the ten unhappiest states:

  • 50. Louisiana (down from No. 49)
  • 49. Arkansas (down from No. 47)
  • 48. West Virginia (up from No. 50)
  • 47. Tennessee (up from No. 48)
  • 46. New Mexico (down from No. 42)
  • 45. Alaska (down from No. 43)
  • 44. Alabama (up from No. 45)
  • 43. Oklahoma (down from No. 41)
  • 42. Mississippi (up from No. 44)
  • 41. Kentucky (up from No. 46)

WalletHub also evaluated work environments, highlighting that feeling valued at work is essential for career satisfaction. Buffie Longmire-Avital, a psychology professor, emphasized that appreciation in a work setting is crucial for productivity and overall happiness.

Regarding work environment rankings, the best were identified as:

  • 1. Utah
  • 2. Vermont
  • 3. Idaho
  • 4. Minnesota
  • 5. Massachusetts

The states with the worst work environments included:

  • 50. West Virginia
  • 49. Louisiana
  • 48. Alaska
  • 47. New Mexico
  • 46. Kentucky

When discussing physical and emotional well-being, the rankings revealed the following:

  • 1. Hawaii
  • 2. New Jersey
  • 3. Maryland
  • 4. Massachusetts
  • 5. Florida

States with the poorest physical and emotional well-being were:

  • 50. Arkansas
  • 49. Louisiana
  • 48. Oklahoma
  • 47. West Virginia
  • 46. Tennessee

The rankings also showcased community and environmental health, which plays a significant role in individual well-being. Researchers have pointed out that living in areas with green spaces can improve mood and overall life satisfaction.

The best and worst states for community and environment were ranked as follows:

  • Best: 1. Utah, 2. Idaho, 3. Hawaii, 4. Delaware, 5. Oklahoma
  • Worst: 50. Rhode Island, 49. Texas, 48. Colorado, 47. Florida, 46. New York

As communities continue to navigate through challenges, these rankings serve as a reminder of the vital role that our surroundings play in shaping our happiness and well-being.

Source: WalletHub