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Heartbreaking footage shows family prepping for baby, then returning with ashes

Heart-wrenching doorbell camera footage captured an excited family eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new baby, only to later return home distressed with an urn of ashes following the child’s stillbirth.

Jessie and Nate, 32, shared these emotional clips on TikTok. The couple had asked Jessie’s sister and brother-in-law to be godparents to their unborn son, Matthew. In the footage, Jessie’s brother-in-law points to a ‘Good vibes’ doormat, expressing excitement over the request.

Living in Naples, Florida, the couple went to the hospital just before Christmas. Tragically, their son was stillborn on December 25, turning a joyful expectation into unimaginable grief.

Subsequent footage taken by the same doorbell camera shows the heartbroken family returning home with Matthew’s ashes, encapsulating the depth of their sorrow.

Footage of the couple leaving the home of Jessie and Nate shows the elated duo happy as can be after being asked

Footage of the couple leaving the home of Jessie and Nate shows the elated duo happy as can be after being asked

Just weeks later, that same happy couple can be seen carrying the urn carrying the remains of Matthew back into the home

Just weeks later, that same happy couple can be seen carrying the urn carrying the remains of Matthew back into the home

Despite the profound loss, Jessie finds solace in the joyful anticipation captured in the clips of her loved ones being asked to be godparents. She shared the two clips on TikTok, writing: ‘Thank you Ring. We look at this footage often. We are so thankful to have these moments captured. I hope one day to capture some happy moments too.’

Speaking with Newsweek, Jessie recounted how her water broke on Christmas Eve, turning what should have been her happiest day into a nightmarish ordeal. Hospital staff were unable to find a heartbeat, with an ultrasound confirming the worst news.

She said, ‘Our world shattered as we grappled with the unimaginable loss, even as I continued to labor.’

Matthew was born the following morning, on Christmas Day. Nate described, ‘He was perfect in every physical sense. 10 fingers, 10 toes, and a head full of thick, curly brown hair. His 9-pound, 5-ounce frame and 22.5 inches length embodied his robust presence, but despite his perfection, he did not draw breath.’

The couple spent every moment they could with Matthew, joined by family members who sang and kissed the baby. Jessie added: ‘We sang to him, held him, and kissed his tiny fingers and forehead. Nate and I prayed over him one last time before saying our final goodbyes as he was prepared for the funeral home.’

Jessie said that her water had broken on Christmas Eve and what should have been the happiest day of her life turned into a nightmare

Jessie said that her water had broken on Christmas Eve and what should have been the happiest day of her life turned into a nightmare

Hospital staff had failed to find a heartbeat for her baby boy, with an ultrasound confirming that he had died

Hospital staff had failed to find a heartbeat for her baby boy, with an ultrasound confirming that he had died

She said the most heartbreaking moment was watching their nurse cover the bassinet with a white sheet and wheel him away. The emotional footage they shared on TikTok has touched many hearts, garnering over 4 million views.

Users who commented on the video observed that the ‘Good Vibes’ doormat was absent in the second clip. In response to one comment, Jessie noted, ‘That was the first thing I asked my husband to throw away when we returned home.’

The couple spent the day cherishing their time with their baby as family members gathered around the couple, singing and kissing their boy

The couple spent the day cherishing their time with their baby as family members gathered around the couple, singing and kissing their boy

Comments poured in, with one person writing, ‘The mat being gone punched me in the gut. I’m so incredibly sorry for this huge loss, mama. Praying for healing.’

Another added, ‘Matty will forever be missed, the way y’all loved him was infinite. I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby.’

Jessie mentioned that upon returning home, their closest friends and family supported them. ‘We held a touching memorial service attended by nearly 300 people [and] Matthew’s godparents were tasked with driving [him] home in his sweet little urn after the service.’

In the wake of their tragedy, the couple founded Matty’s Corner, an in-person stillbirth support group. Nate mentioned that the group aims to ‘provide solace for parents who have experienced the profound loss of a child.’

Source: DailyMail