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HGTV’s Ben & Erin Napier’s Occupations Before Their “Home Town” Fame

Ben and Erin Napier shot to fame thanks to their hit home renovation show “Home Town,” but once upon a time, these lovable reality stars worked regular jobs just like everybody else. And, while the Napiers have obviously stepped away from many of their past ventures (ahem, Ben’s attempt at a political career) since finding fame, the couple has also continued with some of what they did pre-HGTV. Many a “Home Town” detractor has been quick to point out that the Napiers weren’t involved in building or interiors prior to being cast. That said, it bears mentioning that neither Ben nor Erin has ever claimed anything to the contrary.

In fact, while speaking to Cowboys & Indians in 2021, Erin pointed out that she didn’t even realize HGTV was approaching her for a show when a producer first reached out. Back then, Erin spent most of her time running the stationery company she co-owns with Ben, Lucky Luxe Heirloom Design, and believed that the network was emailing her with that in mind, even expecting a big stationery order.

Turns out the producer wasn’t looking for supplies, but Erin’s fans may be glad to know that if they ever are, the graphic designer-turned-business-owner-turned-HGTV-star is still the co-owner of the company. One caveat is that she no longer posts to the brand’s accompanying blog. The last time Erin updated it was back in 2016, in a post announcing that she and her husband were about to star in “Home Town.”

It wouldn’t be entirely accurate to say the Napiers didn’t have any experience with interiors prior to “Home Town.” For starters, per his bio on the Lucky Luxe Heirloom Design website, Ben Napier actually worked in an upholstery shop during his college years. However, it’s even more noteworthy that while Ben was a church minister for many years, he was also a big fan of woodworking — so much so that he actually quit working at the church to start his own business. Scotsman Co. produced a wide variety of home products, from chopping boards and serve-ware to countertops. Luckily for Ben, not long after starting Scotsman Co., Erin Napier got the email that HGTV was interested in meeting with them.

Ben still owns Scotsman Co. And, for super passionate fans of the brand, they even sell merch. As an aside, woodworking and ministry weren’t the only things that Ben got up to before becoming a reality star. He was also actively involved in the city of Laurel (remember that political career we mentioned?). Though Ben’s run for office was ultimately unsuccessful, as noted on the Laurel Mercantile Co. website, he did at one point serve as the president for the Laurel chapter of Main Street America. Evidently, the Napiers were committed to making their hometown a better place even before HGTV came calling.

Given just how successful the Napiers became when “Home Town” kicked off proper, one would be forgiven for thinking they’d rather not be involved in their other businesses anymore, or that they’d want to slow down to some degree given how busy the working parents undoubtedly are. But the opposite is actually true. In fact, the year “Home Town” premiered, Ben and Erin Napier partnered up with two other couples to start Laurel Mercantile Co., which now houses home décor products, and even art by Erin (who was a fine arts major in college). The beloved couple understands the advantages of being their own bosses, hence their desire to keep pushing.

As Erin wrote in her personal blog, Journal, way back in 2012, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. “Some mornings I wake up feeling overwhelmed by my to-do list […] But some mornings you wake up at 9am in darkness and hear the rain crashing down on the rooftop. And in that perfect, quiet moment, you pray and thank God that you are able to stay in your pajamas out of the weather. At home,” she wrote in a post entitled “Self-Employed.” Between everything, the Napiers have built themselves a very impressive net worth over the years. It’s nice to know that even if some HGTV fans seem intent on picking Ben and Erin apart, these two are bound to have their own thing going, no matter what.

Source: Nicki Swift