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HGTV’s Galey Alix Revealed: Her Natural, Makeup-Free Look

This article includes discussion of eating disorders.

Throughout history, plenty of iconic figures have worn signature accessories that they were rarely seen without. A notable instance of this on HGTV comes from Galey Alix, the host of the hit show “Home in a Heartbeat.” Her own iconic accessory is a simple baseball cap. Based on the reality star’s Instagram presence, she owns these hats in several different colors, and Alix rarely poses without one. The HGTV star also has a tendency to keep her back to cameras in pictures too. However, she has occasionally shared photos and videos online where she is facing the camera.

One such instance was in the intro of an Instagram time-lapse video from August 2019. Under the brim of her cap, Alix’s face could just barely be seen. She seemed to be wearing no makeup or at least very minimal products while the home renovation expert gave an overview of the room transformation that she was about to unveil. In a humorous video with her dogs from April 2021, Alix was also seemingly completely makeup-free under her cap, but she did have her fingernails painted white. And, during a subsequent Q&A, Alix explained why her hat is almost always on.

Galey Alix doesn’t wear a baseball cap 24/7. In a selfie shared on Instagram in March 2019, she left her hair loose, and Alix also might have skipped makeup except for some subtle eyeliner. Answering fan questions for HGTV, Alix confirmed that the hat ties into her mental health journey and was a way to avoid overthinking about her looks. “As someone who has always suffered from perfectionism (and is still recovering from a long, very dangerous eating disorder) it’s really important that I set myself up for success,” the reality star shared. “Wearing a hat allows me to not focus so much on what I look like and instead, put all that energy into the project and home I’m working on.”

Furthermore, she hopes most people pay more attention to the renovation work she’s doing and how happy it makes her clients instead. Alix also clarified why she responds kindly when receiving negative, trolling comments online. “I always try to remember: If this person is talking to a total stranger like this, imagine how they’re probably talking to themselves in their head all day,” Alix reasoned. She can relate to that feeling, which is why the HGTV star doesn’t fight fire with fire.

If you need help with an eating disorder, or know someone who does, help is available. Visit the National Eating Disorders Association website or contact NEDA’s Live Helpline at 1-800-931-2237. You can also receive 24/7 Crisis Support via text (send NEDA to 741-741).

Galey Alix used to balance her day job at Goldman Sachs with her weekends-only design business. There was some overlap between her finance job and the filming and premiere of “Home in a Heartbeat,” although Alix left that day job in 2023. Before finding fame with HGTV, she was interviewed by her alma mater the University of Florida in 2020 during which Alix touched on the tragic way her engagement to her ex fell apart. She had renovated the house they were going to share in Connecticut, but after their split, she moved back to her home state of Florida. Alix continued her interior design career when a friend asked her to work her magic, and it really helped her through the difficult time.

“The video I made of me redoing her home is the first one that went viral and it’s how this business got started,” Alix revealed. The reality star also elaborated on why she’s not a fan of the phrase “influencer,” despite finding success online. “What I want to be when I grow up is an inspirer,” Alix proclaimed. “I want to inspire people to pursue their passion. I want to inspire people to give their pain a purpose. I want to inspire people to be authentic and real and vulnerable and to trust that that is only going to make you more comfortable and allow you to love yourself more.” Evidently, she’s been doing exactly that just by staying true to herself, baseball cap and all.

Source: Dir=”ltr” and National Eating Disorders Association website