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Hillary Clinton: “The Future is Here, It’s Within Our Grasp” in DNC Speech

Watch: Hillary Clinton delivers DNC address in support of Kamala Harris 17:31

Washington — In a keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed strong support for Vice President Kamala Harris, who has taken over as the party’s nominee for president. Clinton, who came close to being the first female president in 2016, stated confidently that the future is within reach.

“This is our time, America,” she declared with enthusiasm. “This is when we stand up. This is when we break through. The future is here, it’s in our grasp, let’s go win it.”

The convention marks a significant moment for the Democratic Party as it showcases its solidarity behind Harris following President Biden’s unexpected withdrawal from the race. Clinton’s speech was met with a warm and lengthy reception from the audience, who clearly felt the energy of the moment.

Emphasizing the magnitude of Harris’s nomination, Clinton remarked, “Something is happening in America — you can feel it.” She articulated that this momentum represents a culmination of long-held dreams.

Reflecting on her own historic nomination eight years prior, Clinton noted that they are now “writing a new chapter in America’s story.” She personally commended Harris for being the first woman of color to earn a nomination from a major U.S. political party.

Clinton provided a compelling historical perspective, recounting the achievements of women in politics, from the voting rights movement to her own past accomplishments. “Nearly 66 million Americans voted for a future where there are no ceilings on our dreams,” she stated, emphasizing resilience in the face of setbacks.

“Well, my friends, the future is here,” Clinton added, rallying the audience to support Harris on her journey to the White House.

Like many speakers before her, Clinton painted a vivid contrast between the future of America under Harris and a potential second Trump administration. She underscored the necessity of unity, invoking the choice voters face: to stick together as “we the people” or divide into factions of “us versus them.” “Kamala has the character, experience, and vision to lead us forward,” she said with conviction.

Clinton, who has often been a target of former President Donald Trump’s criticisms, expressed that it is no surprise he is attacking Kamala’s record. “Sounds familiar,” she quipped, urging supporters to remain undeterred. “But we have him on the run now. So, no matter what the polls say, we can’t let up.”

The former Secretary of State emphasized that a victory for Harris would symbolize much more than an individual achievement, as it would also broaden the promise of America for all. “Together we put a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling,” Clinton remarked. She voiced hope about what lies ahead, saying, “I see freedom,” envisioning a future where Kamala Harris is sworn in as the 47th president of the United States.

This year’s convention comes just weeks after Biden stepped down, quickly endorsing Harris as his successor at the top of the ticket. Both Hillary and former President Bill Clinton have been vocal in their support of Harris’s campaign.

Closing her speech, Clinton also paid tribute to Biden’s legacy, acknowledging his role in restoring dignity and confidence to the presidency. “He showed what it means to be a true patriot,” Clinton stated, offering appreciation for his lifetime of service.

The energy of the evening reflected a pivotal moment for the Democratic Party as they rally behind their nominee, Kamala Harris, and look ahead to the future.

Source: CBS News