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‘Honest Renovations’ Build Homes and Strengthen Families

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 23 (UPI) — Jessica Alba and Lizzy Mathis are all set to return with Season 2 of their show, Honest Renovations, which premieres this Friday on the Roku Channel. This season, they focus on selecting families with unique needs just as carefully as they choose their renovation projects.

Alba and Mathis lead renovations tailored to families with evolving spatial needs. They aim to find families from diverse backgrounds and multi-generational households, reflecting their own experiences growing up.

“We were trying to find families that were quite diverse in their needs,” Alba shared in a recent Zoom interview. “We also wanted to have multi-generation families raising kids in a house because that’s frankly how I grew up, Lizzie too.”

One notable renovation in Season 2 includes creating a dedicated room for a grandmother in a family’s home.

“Having our grandparents around and living under one roof was such a privilege for us,” Alba said. “We thought, ‘Oh, we’ve got to find families that are also doing this.’

Mathis and Alba continue to tackle a range of projects this season. They help a single mother, a mother undergoing cancer treatment in need of space for visiting family, and a family requiring more room for holiday gatherings. Alba emphasized the importance of variety in their projects, ensuring the renovations aren’t repetitive.

“Are the renovations going to be different enough?” Alba said. “You don’t want to do all bedrooms. You don’t want to do all bathrooms or kitchens.”

Mathis pointed out that by showcasing a broad spectrum of homes and families, Honest Renovations aims to reach a wide audience.

“This family could be any of ours or any of us out here,” Mathis observed. “We’re showing the renovation side of it, but then we’re also showing the relatability.”

Both hosts get hands-on with the construction crews. Alba, in particular, finds satisfaction in the physical labor involved in remodeling.

“It’s very cathartic,” Alba said.

Mathis enjoys using power tools but prefers to be in control of them.

“I like it when I’m in charge of them, not when she’s in charge of them,” Mathis said. “It feels great when I have control; when it’s in her control, I feel very uneasy.”

A humorous dynamic plays out between them, particularly with the tile-breaker tool that Mathis likes but Alba isn’t fond of.

“I didn’t love that one,” Alba admitted. “It hurts my soul a little bit.”

The show emphasizes the importance of authenticity. Both hosts are unafraid to show their imperfections. In one memorable Season 2 scene, Alba and Mathis struggle with wallpaper that keeps falling on them.

“We’re definitely learning with you in the show,” Mathis said.

Alba added, “I think it’s funny to watch us attempt it.”

Despite their on-camera involvement, both assured viewers that professional crews complete the renovations to ensure high-quality results.

“There are professionals behind the scenes who make sure that it doesn’t look like a hot mess,” Alba confirmed. “I’m glad we had professionals to make sure the wallpaper is executed with excellence.”

Friends for a decade, Alba and Mathis developed the concept for Honest Renovations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The beauty of it is that we became friends first,” Mathis noted. “We really started to trust and love each other.”

The show’s name is inspired by Alba’s Honest Company, and its products are featured and given to homeowners in the series.

“They share values,” Alba said regarding the show and her brand. “It’s transparency, it’s wholesome, it’s better for you, it’s diverse, it’s for everyone.”

Each episode wraps with emotional responses from families, grateful for their newly renovated spaces. Alba and Mathis, well-known for their acting careers, cherish these heartfelt moments.

“It’s tender,” Alba said. “We feel great whenever we get to have that moment with our families.”

Source: UPI