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Honey Boo Boo Gets Tattoo As Mama June Faces Rent Money Issues

Is Mama June: Family Crisis star, Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson, getting inked amid her rental issues? The nineteen-year-old has been struggling to find a place to live in Colorado and has taken to social media for help, needing to vacate her current residence by September 1st. Given the urgency, some might think she would focus solely on securing a new home, but recent activities suggest she might be seeking some fun instead.

Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson is back in Colorado for her second year at Regis University, alongside her longtime boyfriend, Dralin Carswell. They chose not to renew their current rental because they wanted more space for their dogs. However, the search for a new place has been challenging. Fans speculate it might be related to Dralin’s minor student loan, though some believe there could be other underlying issues.

Dralin Carswell, Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson-Instagram
Dralin Carswell, Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson-Instagram

While Alana has denied that Dralin’s criminal record is the issue, her recent actions have drawn criticism. She has previously asked for help when facing tough times, and fans were bewildered when she recently sought out a walk-in tattoo artist in Denver. Alana is looking to get 10 small tattoos, following in the footsteps of her tattoo-loving family members like Pumpkin and Jessica Shannon.

Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson-Instagram
Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson-Instagram

Followers were quick to voice their opinions, pointing out the contradiction:

  • was she not just asking for money for rent ?💀
  • Rent money = please donate for rent money 10 tattoos = hell ya, we have money for that. Honey booboo is her mothers daughter. The grift is strong
  • But yet she can’t afford a new place
  • Doesn’t she have to find a house by like, uh, tomorrow?

Many were puzzled by Alana’s priorities. While she seemed desperate for a new rental, her immediate focus shifted to getting tattoos. This led some fans to speculate that Alana might be soliciting a tattoo artist to offer free services in exchange for publicity:

  • She’s looking for a shop to see and offer free service
  • Sooooo, are they planning to pay? Or looking for someone to do it for free, ‘cause, ya know, they’re super duper big time celebrities
  • Yeah, pretty sure they just wanted someone to offer to do it free as long as they post videos and bring attention to the shop

It’s a perplexing situation but seems consistent with Alana’s past behavior. She urgently needs funds for rent but simultaneously wants to get tattooed. What do you think? Should she prioritize differently, or is she entitled to some fun amid the chaos?
