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House GOP Alleges Biden Committed Impeachable Offenses, Next Steps Unclear

House Republicans have unveiled their initial report from the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Biden. The report accuses him of abuse of power and obstructing justice regarding the financial dealings of his son, Hunter Biden, and his family’s associates.

The inquiry, which has spanned nearly a year, does not allege any criminal wrongdoing by the president. Instead, the nearly 300-page document details claims that the Biden family exploited its “brand” for corrupt business ventures, meeting the Constitution’s threshold for impeachment.

With the upcoming presidential election approach, the path forward for House Republicans is uncertain. Internal support for actually impeaching the president is lacking, and a Senate removal seems even less feasible. Some Republicans seem to be shifting their focus toward Vice President Kamala Harris, suggesting possible investigations into her as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Notably, the new report mentions the “Biden-Harris administration” over twenty times, highlighting this shift in attention. Although Vice President Harris is not explicitly named in the report, the committees conducting the investigation have begun to open new inquiries into her and her vice presidential pick, Tim Walz.

In response to the impeachment inquiry, the White House has dismissed the proceedings as a mere political “stunt” and urged Republicans to “move on.”

The report, produced by the House Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary, and Ways & Means committees, argues that the cumulative evidence of corrupt conduct is severe. It states, “The totality of the corrupt conduct uncovered by the Committees is egregious.” It asserts that the appropriate response to a president’s grave misuse of power is impeachment by the House and removal by the Senate.

Throughout their time in the House majority, Republicans have intensified their scrutiny on President Biden and his family’s business dealings. This inquiry was initiated by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy shortly before his removal and was formalized in December under new Speaker Mike Johnson. The investigation has delved into various aspects of the Biden family’s financial activities, reaching back to 2009, when Biden served as vice president under Barack Obama.

The report cites bank records, testimonies from around thirty witnesses, whistleblower accounts, and millions of documents. It alleges that Hunter Biden and his associates engaged in a prolonged scheme to solicit foreign business deals, leveraging their family’s connections to Washington power.

While much of the report does not focus on President Biden’s actions while in office, it recalls a challenging period for the Biden family following the 2015 death of his eldest son, Beau. At this time, President Biden chose not to run for president in 2016. Hunter Biden has publicly acknowledged his struggles with addiction during these years, and he was recently convicted on felony gun charges. He is also set to face trial next month on federal tax charges.

Former associate Devon Archer, who was implicated in a previous matter and sentenced to one year in prison in 2022, noted that the family’s brand was pivotal in their dealings. Republicans assert that there were instances when Hunter Biden included his father in his business calls and meetings, further intertwining their professional and personal relationships.

The Bidens are known for their close family ties and have stated they communicate almost daily, especially during the tumultuous times after Beau’s passing. In his testimony, Hunter Biden contended that he kept his father out of his business dealings.

According to House Republicans, the Biden family and their associates accumulated approximately $27 million through foreign business arrangements, along with $8 million in loans. These include contributions from Hunter Biden’s benefactor, a Hollywood attorney named Kevin Morris, and they scrutinize the financial aspects surrounding Hunter’s art ventures.

The inquiry concluded that it is “inconceivable” that President Biden was unaware of these dealings. The report claims, “President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office for his family’s enrichment.” When approached for testimony, President Biden declined to participate.

The document also draws parallels with former President Donald Trump’s impeachments, highlighting the differences between the two men’s circumstances. Notably, Trump is currently facing actual criminal charges related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and the events surrounding the January 6 Capitol riot.

Additionally, the report suggests that President Biden obstructed justice in the investigations regarding Hunter Biden. It reiterates long-standing Republican complaints about perceived delays in the Department of Justice’s investigations into Hunter’s dealings. Attorney General Merrick Garland has categorically denied any accusations of political influence affecting these investigations.

Furthermore, the report touches upon Joe Biden’s brother James, highlighting his ties to various family business dealings. Some Republicans point to financial transactions that they claim indicate President Biden benefited from his brother’s activities. They notably mention a $200,000 personal check from James to Joe Biden, which coincided with a similar payout James received from a healthcare company.

In defense of the transaction, House Democrats have cited bank records showing that it was a loan repayment from James to Joe Biden, a wire transfer initiated by Joe Biden while he was a private citizen.

As an alternative to impeaching President Biden, House Republicans have advised the Justice Department to initiate criminal proceedings against Hunter and James Biden, accusing them of making false statements during the investigation. However, the legal representatives for both men have dismissed these claims as unfounded and politically motivated.

The emphasis on the president has shifted recently due to his decision to withdraw from the presidential race, prompting Republican leaders to reassess their investigation strategies. Despite initial aspirations that the inquiry would build a compelling case for impeachment, concerns from moderates within the party about voting on the issue have begun to emerge as the investigation has progressed.

Source: CBS News