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House GOP Redirects Focus from Biden to Harris and Walz

As Democrats pivot to the party’s new presidential ticket, House Republicans have intensified their scrutiny of Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Over recent weeks, GOP lawmakers have launched numerous investigations focusing on Harris’s involvement in immigration and border policy, as well as Walz’s connections to China.

This strategic shift comes after years of targeting President Biden, with congressional Republicans now seeking to broaden their critiques. There has been a notable change in language used by GOP committees; they have started adding “-Harris” to press releases that previously only referenced the “Biden administration.” In fact, the House Judiciary Committee has cited “the Biden-Harris administration” in its communications more frequently in the past month than at any time since Biden took office.

Some GOP tactics have been more direct. In a recent press call, Speaker Mike Johnson, along with other key Republican figures, criticized Harris in light of a new inspector general report highlighting the challenges faced by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in managing court dates for unaccompanied migrant children. Notably, the report did not hold Harris accountable, yet Republicans have sought to position her as the primary actor responsible for these border-related issues.

Johnson stated that as the vice president tasked with overseeing border matters, Harris carries significant responsibility. He declared, “Vice President Harris was put in charge of the border when the UAC [unaccompanied minor] disaster began… this is largely her fault and done on her watch.” However, it’s important to clarify that Harris’s role has been to focus on the underlying causes of migration rather than directly manage border conditions.

This GOP focus isn’t just rhetorical; it involves tangible investigatory efforts. House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer has reached out to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), seeking documents related to Harris’s work on immigration. However, his request notably excluded the State Department and USAID, agencies that are significantly involved in addressing the root causes of migration.

Comer expressed skepticism about Harris’s actions, saying it’s “unclear what actions, if any, Vice President Harris has taken to fix the border crisis.” This redirection towards Harris comes as previous investigations into Biden’s alleged ties to his family’s business dealings are losing steam. House Republicans recently released an impeachment inquiry report critical of Biden but did not substantiate any direct financial misconduct. Many within the party, having grown skeptical of the potential for impeachment, believe the focus should now shift to Harris.

Rep. Matt Gaetz has also indicated the urgency of investigating Harris’s actions, commenting on a social media platform that further assessment is needed on her knowledge and involvement regarding issues facing the Oval Office.

Moreover, Walz is under scrutiny as well, with lawmakers probing his connections to China. Walz’s extensive experience in China, including teaching there, has raised questions among GOP members, prompting inquiries about his compliance with foreign travel reporting requirements while serving in the National Guard.

Comer has also sought clarification from the FBI regarding any briefings provided to Walz about potential Chinese intelligence threats. In his request, he specified that the Bureau should disclose information related to over a dozen Chinese entities—some of which Walz may not have been involved with directly.

In response to the accusations, a spokesperson for the Harris-Walz campaign defended Walz’s record, asserting that he has consistently stood against the Chinese Communist Party, championed human rights, and prioritized American jobs and manufacturing. Walz has met influential figures like the Dalai Lama and has actively supported legislation promoting democracy in Hong Kong.

Despite this defense, Comer has suggested that Walz’s connections could be more alarming than the accusations against Biden’s family. He acknowledged a lack of financial transactions involving Walz but emphasized concerns about his purported admiration for China’s governance. “If that’s so, that should be a concern to every American,” Comer stated.

As both Harris and Walz find themselves in the crosshairs of House Republicans, it appears their political battles are set to intensify in the lead-up to the next election cycle.

Source: Nexstar Media