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How the Honeymoon Singer Stays in Shape

Lana Del Rey powerlifts to tone her legs (Getty)

Lana Del Rey headlined the Reading and Leeds festival over the weekend, wowing the crowds not only with a sparkling setlist but also with her beautiful looks.

The Honeymoon singer works hard to maintain her figure, signing up to the hardcore gym, Dogpound, to ensure she looks and feels her best for her busy schedule. This includes recent performances in Paris and the UK.

Lana, 39, joined Dogpound in the spring of this year, impressed by how the trainers prepped her friend Taylor Swift for the Eras Tour. Dogpound is known for training Victoria’s Secret angels as well.

Lana Del Rey with Dogpound's founder Kirk Myers
Lana Del Rey with Dogpound’s founder Kirk Myers

The gym’s founder, Kirk Myers, mentioned to Vogue that most of his clients come to him via “word of mouth.” It’s fairly certain that Taylor recommended Kirk to Lana, her Snow on the Beach co-star.

In a 2021 interview, when asked to share something nobody knows about her, Lana revealed: “I powerlift. I’m a big weight trainer,” suggesting that powerlifting forms a significant part of her fitness routine at Dogpound. Here, they create bespoke training programs.

Lana Del Rey looking trim
Lana has been looking trim on social media

Kirk Myers told Vogue, “It’s mostly one-on-one training, where I really look at your goals and what you are specifically trying to hit.”

Taylor Swift opted for the training program of a professional athlete, which helped her through her three-hour tour set of dancing and singing. Lana’s music is more sedate, so it’s unlikely she needed such an intense routine, which saw Taylor train for two hours a day, up to six times a week.

That said, Lana certainly looks sculpted, with chiropractor Dr. Daniel Psaltis dismissing speculation that the singer has been taking Ozempic. Marvelling at her toned legs, he remarked, “That’s not Ozempic; that’s not something you can buy in the store. That’s good old-fashioned hard work in the gym.”

Lana Del Rey powerlifting
Lana Del Rey powerlifts to tone her legs

Lana Del Rey has done a full body recomposition in the last couple of months, which involves staying the same weight but becoming more lean and toned. Her transformation is amazing and doable for most people, Dr. Psaltis noted. He believes she’s been focusing on her lower body in the gym, doing squats, leg presses, deadlifts, and powerlifting for her newly muscular figure.

Dr. Psaltis added that Lana likely increased her protein intake while keeping her calorie intake the same. Whatever she’s doing, Lana certainly looks brilliant.

Source: Getty, Vogue, Instagram