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How to Remove Fake Tan from Bedding: Expert Tips

TikTok is buzzing with a new cleaning hack, specifically addressing the issue of fake tan stains on bedding. As fake tan season reaches its peak, many users are struggling with the aftermath on their sheets and towels.

One viral TikTok clip that garnered over 24,000 views highlighted the struggles people face with fake tan stains. Comments showed a range of concerns, from fear of staining new white bedding to general frustration with the residual marks left behind.

Enter cleaning influencer Ann Russell, known for her practical and effective cleaning tips. Ann, who has amassed a following of 2.5 million, shared her solution for tackling fake tan stains on sheets. According to her, oxygen bleach works wonders in removing these stubborn marks.

“While I have never used fake tan myself, my daughter does, and she has white bedding. I find that using some form of oxygen bleach is very effective,” said Ann. She also mentioned that if you have white bedding, using a dose of Ariel detergent, combined with a pre-wash spray of either Ace Green or Peroxide, and running a long 60° cotton wash cycle can help restore the brightness of the bedding.

Daniela Venturini, art director and trend forecaster from Wayfair, added her own tips to the mix. She advised those prone to marking their bed sheets with fake tan to avoid light-colored bedding. Instead, opting for darker shades or patterned sheets can help disguise any unsightly stains. Colors like navy and black are particularly effective in this regard.

Furthermore, Daniela emphasized the importance of choosing a material that is easy to wash and maintain. Materials like cotton and microfiber are durable and can withstand frequent washing, making them ideal choices for those who frequently use fake tan.

Source: Particlenews, Wayfair