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Hundreds of ‘Game of Thrones’ Props for Auction: Jon Snow’s Sword & More

Fans of the iconic series “Game of Thrones” are in for a treat as they can now participate in an auction featuring an impressive array of memorabilia from the show. This auction offers the chance to bid on over 2,000 items, which include everything from costumes and props to set pieces, all collected from the beloved HBO series that concluded in 2019.

The auction, hosted by Heritage Auctions, will take place in October and encompasses approximately 900 lots with starting bids ranging from $500 to $20,000. Among the coveted items being auctioned are Jaime Lannister’s complete suit of armor and sword, along with more niche items such as the prosthetic teeth used to create the White Walkers.

Several high-profile pieces from the series are also available, including Daenerys Targaryen’s iconic cloaks and leather outfits, some adorned with dragon-themed accessories, alongside Jon Snow’s signature Longclaw sword, famously wielded by Kit Harington. Fans will also have the opportunity to bid on unique items, such as the bell used during Cersei Lannister’s infamous walk of shame, as well as costumes from the dramatic Red Wedding scene.

Jay Roewe, HBO’s senior vice president of global incentives and production planning, emphasized that this auction presents fans with a unique opportunity to “grab a piece of history.” He noted that the enduring influence of “Game of Thrones” continues to resonate, even five years post-finale.

Roewe remarked, “‘Game of Thrones’ was a major cultural phenomenon. It left a lasting impact on high-quality television and defined a moment in HBO’s narrative.” He conveyed that the series had shaped many lives and contributed significantly to popular culture.

The items featured in the auction are not merely relics from the past; they have been meticulously preserved since the series first aired in 2011. HBO took great care in safeguarding thousands of props, costumes, and set pieces for potential future projects, especially as “House of The Dragon” has recently completed its second season and more spin-off projects are in development.

With a clearer understanding of what needs to be retained for upcoming productions, Roewe stated, “These items have been maintained with care, and they are in excellent condition. It’s the right time to allow fans to own these pieces.”

The scale of the auction required extensive collaboration and meticulous preparation, according to Joe Maddalena, executive vice president of Heritage Auctions. His team sought to ensure that fans felt a strong connection to the collection by compiling a diverse range of iconic costumes and props, all showcased in a comprehensive 750-page catalog.

Maddalena highlighted the importance of displaying multiples of significant items, such as Arya Stark’s rapier, Needle, which underwent several design changes throughout the show. The quality and craftsmanship of the costumes, praised since the show’s inception, contribute to its enduring legacy. Emmy-winning costume designer Michele Clapton’s work is particularly noted for its artistry and for enhancing storytelling within the series.

The auction catalog includes exclusive interviews with Clapton, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, and various cast members, shedding light on the relevance and narrative context of the items. Maddalena described this level of access to be “uncharted territory” within the auction industry.

“Studio-sanctioned auctions like this are quite rare,” he said. “Everything in this auction comes straight from the archives and has been specifically selected. Each piece’s on-screen usage is documented.”

For those interested in claiming a piece of “Game of Thrones,” preliminary bidding is currently underway, with the official auction set for October 10-12 at Heritage Auctions in Dallas. Additionally, fans can preview the collection at auction house locations in New York and London from September 17 to October 4.

Source: Associated Press