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‘I Don’t Take Your Words Personally’

Rob Schneider is asking for forgiveness from his daughter, Elle King. Elle recently shared her grievances on Bunnie XO’s “Dumb Blonde” podcast, criticizing Schneider for his anti-drag and anti-LGBTQ comments. She opened up about their unhealthy relationship during her childhood and expressed disinterest in reconciling with him currently.

In response to King’s comments, Schneider said to Tucker Carlson, “It’s fun being a parent, isn’t it? I just want to tell my daughter, Elle, I love you and I wish I was the father in my 20s that you needed. Clearly, I wasn’t. I hope you can forgive me for my shortcomings. I love you completely and I love you entirely.”

He added, “I just want you to be well and happy with you and your beautiful baby, Lucky. I wish you the best. I feel terrible. I just want you to know I don’t take anything you say personally.”

When Carlson asked how he refrained from retaliating against his daughter, Schneider replied, “If you love someone completely…I love her, all I want for her is to be happy and to heal from this.”

Schneider has faced backlash in Hollywood recently due to his increasingly conservative views. In late July, he used X (formerly Twitter) to criticize the Olympics’ opening ceremony for what he perceived as a disrespectful tableau resembling “The Last Supper” with drag queens.

Schneider voiced his disappointment, stating, “I am sorry to say to all the world’s greatest athletes, I wish you all the best, but I cannot watch an Olympics that disrespects Christianity and openly celebrates Satan. I sincerely hope these Olympics get the same amount of viewers as CSPAN.”

King seems to have had a strong reaction to her father’s stance. She told Bunnie XO that she “disagrees” with much of what Schneider says and criticized him harshly, saying, “You’re talking out of your ass and you’re talking shit about drag and, you know, anti-gay rights. And it’s like, get fucked.”

King revealed that she was not close to Schneider while growing up and only connected with him later in life. Their relationship was strained due to Schneider’s disapproval of her appearance.

She recalled her experience, saying, “I was like a really, really heavy child. My dad sent me to fat camp… and then I got in trouble one year because I sprained my ankle and didn’t lose any weight. I had already started getting tattooed, and it was like 108 degrees. So I had to wear sweaters because my dad was very anti-tattoos or any form of self-expression.”

King emphasized that she does not wish to repair her relationship with Schneider, clearly stating that she “doesn’t want to be associated” with him because “he’s just not nice.”

Source: Variety, NBC News