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“I Wish the World Would Treat Him With Kindness”

Colin Farrell has opened up about his son who has Angelman syndrome for the first time. The actor also revealed he is initiating a foundation to support individuals with intellectual disabilities.

In a recent interview with People magazine, the Oscar-nominated actor shared that his son James, who will turn 21 in September, was diagnosed with the rare neurogenetic disorder when he was two and a half years old. He feels it is important to highlight James’s condition, especially since many of the support systems available for children with special needs will no longer be accessible after they turn 21.

“Once your child turns 21, they’re kind of on their own,” Farrell explained. “All the safeguards that are put in place, special ed classes, that all goes away, so you’re left with a young adult who should be an integrated part of our modern society and more often than not is left behind.”

The actor, known for his role in The Batman, mentioned that the “only reason” he is discussing this publicly now is that he “can’t ask James if he wants to do this,” since his son is nonverbal.

“I mean, I can. I speak to James as if he’s 20 and has perfect fluency with the English language and age-appropriate cognitive ability,” Farrell said. “But I can’t discern a particular answer from him as to whether he’s comfortable with all this or not, so I have to make a call based on knowing James’s spirit and what kind of young man he is and the goodness that he has in his heart.”

Farrell is extremely proud of James and how hard he has worked “all his life.” This pride has motivated him to launch the Colin Farrell Foundation. The foundation will focus on bridging the gap and offering support for adult children with intellectual disabilities through advocacy, education, and innovative programs.

For years, the Sugar actor has wanted to create more opportunities for families with children who have special needs to receive the support they deserve in all areas of life. Farrell believes that his son and others like him have “earned the right to have a greater degree of individuality and autonomy in life, and a greater degree of community.”

Farrell also believes that if James knew that speaking out could benefit other families and young adults with special needs, he would say, “‘Why are you even asking me? It’s a no-brainer.’”

“So that’s why we’re doing it. This is all because of James — it’s all in his honor,” Farrell added. “I want the world to be kind to James. I want the world to treat him with kindness and respect.”

Farrell shares his son with his ex, Kim Bordenave.

Source: People